SoftwareLimitSetup Parameter
Default Value: 0
Minimum Value: None
Maximum Value: None
Units: None
Type: int
IMPORTANT: Software Limits are not active until you home an axis.
Use the SoftwareLimitSetup parameter to configure options related to software limits. The sections that follow give the possible options for this parameter.
This option enables Target Scanning so the controller can detect a software limit violation before motion is commanded. Each software limit mode is independent so that multiple modes can be active at the same time.
Disabled is the default. The controller executes all motion commands regardless of the target position. The controller does not detect a software limit violation until the position of the axis exceeds the specified threshold.
When you select Enabled, motion commands with target positions that are outside of the range of the software limits cause the controller to generate a software limit fault and the motion does not occur. For this mode to have an effect, you must set the CW Software Limit or the CCW Software Limit bit in the FaultMask Parameter.
This mode does not have an effect on gearing, camming, or freerun motions because these motions do not have target positions.
Software limit target scanning is ignored for axes configured in IFOV mode or configured as output axes in an enabled Transformation. Refer to Infinite Field of View (IFOV) in Galvo and IFOV Functions and Output Axes in Transformation Functions.
This option enables clamping to be used when the controller detects a software limit violation. Each software limit mode is independent so that multiple modes can be active at the same time.
Disabled is the default. The axis starts to decelerate only when the position exceeds the software limit threshold. The position at which the axis stops can vary slightly depending on the speed of the motion.
When you select Enabled, the axis starts to decelerate before reaching the software limit threshold so that it stops exactly one count before the software limit.
The axis decelerates at the rate specified by the AbortDecelRate Parameter, but the LimitDecelDistance Parameter can limit the deceleration distance. If you use LimitDecelDistance, the deceleration rate can be higher than the rate specified by AbortDecelRate. The deceleration uses a linear ramp type.
Software limit clamping is ignored for galvo axes that are configured in IFOV mode. Refer to Galvo and IFOV Functions.
IMPORTANT: When this mode is enabled, the axis responds to software limits regardless of the settings of the FaultMask Parameter and FaultMaskDecel Parameter. Instead, these parameters specify if the controller generates a fault when it detects a software limit violation.
Tip: To make sure that software limit behavior is correct, you must set the AbortDecelRate parameter to a value higher than the acceleration or deceleration rates used for motion. These rates include those specified by the DefaultAxisRampRate Parameter, the DefaultCoordinatedRampRate Parameter, and the DefaultDependentCoordinatedRampRate Parameter, and the rates specified by the SetupAxisRampValue() and SetupCoordinatedRampValue() functions.