FaultMaskDisableDelay Parameter
Default Value: 0
Minimum Value: None
Maximum Value: None
Units: None
Type: int
This table shows the value of the configuration for the parameter setting.
Table: Parameter Settings, Configurations, and Values
Setting | Configurations |
Axis Fault |
Position Error Fault |
Over Current Fault |
CW/Positive End-of-Travel Limit Fault |
CCW/Negative End-of-Travel Limit Fault |
CW/High Software Limit Fault |
CCW/Low Software Limit Fault |
Amplifier Fault |
Feedback Input 0 Fault |
Feedback Input 1 Fault |
Hall Sensor Fault |
Maximum Velocity Command Fault |
Emergency Stop Fault |
Velocity Error Fault |
External Fault |
Motor Temperature Fault |
Amplifier Temperature Fault |
Encoder Fault |
Feedback Scaling Fault |
Marker Search Fault |
Safe Zone Fault |
In Position Timeout Fault |
Voltage Clamp Fault |
Motor Supply Fault |
Internal Fault |
Aerotech recommends that you do not use this parameter because it decreases system safety.
HARDWARE: This parameter does not apply when used with the GI4, the GL4, or the XL4s.
IMPORTANT: The controller generates an axis fault only if you set the corresponding bit in the FaultMask Parameter. When an axis fault is generated, you can configure what the axis does by changing the state of the corresponding bit in the FaultMaskDecel Parameter, the FaultMaskDisable Parameter, and the FaultMaskDisableDelay Parameter.
Before you use the FaultMaskDisableDelay parameter, you must configure the parameters that follow:
- Enable the BrakeSetup Parameter.
- Set the BrakeDisableDelay Parameter to a nonzero value.
The FaultMaskDisableDelay parameter specifies the fault conditions that obey the BrakeDisableDelay parameter. The FaultMaskDisableDelay parameter is a bit mask where each bit corresponds to a specific axis fault.
By default, if an axis is disabled because of a fault condition, the BrakeDisableDelay parameter is ignored and the axis is disabled at the same time that the brake is engaged. If this behavior is not applicable for a given fault, you can set the corresponding bit in the FaultMaskDisableDelay parameter. When you set the corresponding fault bit, the axis fully engages the brake and then delays by the interval that is specified for the BrakeDisableDelay parameter. Then the axis disables.
For more information about axis faults, refer to Fault and Error Functions.
Table: Axis Fault Bit Descriptions
Bit | Value | AeroScript Constant | Name | Description |
0 |
0x00000001 |
AxisFault.PositionErrorFault |
Position Error Fault |
The absolute value of the difference between the position command and the position feedback exceeded the threshold specified by the PositionErrorThreshold Parameter. |
1 |
0x00000002 |
AxisFault.OverCurrentFault |
Over Current Fault |
The average motor current exceeded the threshold specified by the AverageCurrentThreshold Parameter and the AverageCurrentTime Parameter. |
2 |
0x00000004 |
AxisFault.CwEndOfTravelLimitFault |
CW/Positive End-of-Travel Limit Fault |
The axis encountered the clockwise (positive) end-of-travel limit switch. |
3 |
0x00000008 |
AxisFault.CcwEndOfTravelLimitFault |
CCW/Negative End-of-Travel Limit Fault |
The axis encountered the counter-clockwise (negative) end-of-travel limit switch. |
4 |
0x00000010 |
AxisFault.CwSoftwareLimitFault |
CW/High Software Limit Fault |
The axis was commanded to move beyond the position specified by the SoftwareLimitHigh Parameter. |
5 |
0x00000020 |
AxisFault.CcwSoftwareLimitFault |
CCW/Low Software Limit Fault |
The axis was commanded to move beyond the position specified by the SoftwareLimitLow Parameter. |
6 |
0x00000040 |
AxisFault.AmplifierFault |
Amplifier Fault |
The amplifier for this axis exceeded its maximum current rating, the bus voltage exceeded the BusOvervoltageThreshold Parameter on a PWM drive, the BusOvervoltage hardware signal was triggered, or the amplifier had an internal error. |
7 |
0x00000080 |
AxisFault.FeedbackInput0Fault |
FeedbackInput0 Fault |
The drive detected a problem with the feedback device specified by the PrimaryFeedbackType Parameter and the FeedbackInput0 Parameter. Or, the drive detected an invalid position feedback configuration. |
8 |
0x00000100 |
AxisFault.FeedbackInput1Fault |
FeedbackInput1 Fault |
The drive detected a problem with the feedback device specified by the AuxiliaryFeedbackType Parameter and the FeedbackInput1 Parameter. Or, the drive detected an invalid velocity feedback configuration. |
9 |
0x00000200 |
AxisFault.HallSensorFault |
Hall Sensor Fault |
The drive detected an invalid state (all high or all low) for the Hall-effect sensor inputs on this axis. |
10 |
0x00000400 |
AxisFault.MaxVelocityCommandFault |
Maximum Velocity Command Fault |
The commanded velocity is more than the velocity command threshold. Before the axis is homed, this threshold is specified by the VelocityCommandThresholdBeforeHome Parameter. After the axis is homed, this threshold is specified by the VelocityCommandThreshold Parameter. |
11 |
0x00000800 |
AxisFault.EmergencyStopFault |
Emergency Stop Fault |
The emergency stop sense input, specified by the EmergencyStopFaultInput Parameter or the SoftwareEmergencyStopInput Parameter, was triggered, or the controller detected a fault condition in the Safe Torque Off (STO) hardware. |
12 |
0x00001000 |
AxisFault.VelocityErrorFault |
Velocity Error Fault |
The absolute value of the difference between the velocity command and the velocity feedback exceeded the threshold specified by the VelocityErrorThreshold Parameter. |
13 |
0x00002000 |
AxisFault.CommutationFault |
Commutation Fault |
The axis tried commutation but could not initialize correclty. |
15 |
0x00008000 |
AxisFault.ExternalFault |
External Fault |
The external fault input, specified by the ExternalFaultAnalogInput Parameter, the ExternalFaultDigitalInput Parameter, or the SoftwareExternalFaultInput Parameter, was triggered. |
17 |
0x00020000 |
AxisFault.MotorTemperatureFault |
Motor Temperature Fault |
The motor thermistor input was triggered, which indicates that the motor exceeded its maximum recommended operating temperature. |
18 |
0x00040000 |
AxisFault.AmplifierTemperatureFault |
Amplifier Temperature Fault |
The amplifier temperature is not within the operating range. For most HyperWire drives, this fault occurs at temperatures greater than 75 °C. On the iXA4 and XA4, this fault occurs at temperatures greater than 100° C. If the temperature sensor reading is invalid or below 0° C, the drive reports a temperature of 1000° C. This reading usually identifies a defective sensor that must be repaired at the factory. On the iXC6e and XC6e, this fault also indicates when the calculated shunt resistor temperature based on the ShuntNormalizedTemperatureFactor Parameter and the ShuntThermalTimeConstant Parameter is more than 200 °C. |
19 |
0x00080000 |
AxisFault.EncoderFault |
Encoder Fault |
The encoder fault input on the motor feedback connector was triggered. |
22 |
0x00400000 |
AxisFault.GantryMisalignmentFault |
Gantry Misalignment Fault |
The absolute value of the position command or the absolute value of the position feedback on the Theta axis of the gantry under Decoupling Control exceeded the value specified by the GantryMisalignmentThreshold Parameter. |
23 |
0x00800000 |
AxisFault.FeedbackScalingFault |
Feedback Scaling Fault |
The difference between the position feedback and the scaled (adjusted by the ServoLoopGainKv Parameter) velocity feedback exceeds the threshold specified by the PositionErrorThreshold Parameter. |
24 |
0x01000000 |
AxisFault.MarkerSearchFault |
Marker Search Fault |
The distance that the axis moved while searching for the marker exceeded the threshold specified by the MarkerSearchThreshold Parameter. |
25 |
0x02000000 |
AxisFault.SafeZoneFault |
Safe Zone Fault |
The axis decelerated to a stop because the motion violated a safe zone. |
26 |
0x04000000 |
AxisFault.InPositionTimeoutFault |
In Position Timeout Fault |
The axis did not achieve in position status in the period specified by the InPositionTimeoutThreshold Parameter. |
27 |
0x08000000 |
AxisFault.VoltageClampFault |
Voltage Clamp Fault |
The commanded voltage output exceeded the value of the PiezoVoltageClampLow Parameter or the PiezoVoltageClampHigh Parameter. |
28 |
0x10000000 |
AxisFault.MotorSupplyFault |
Motor Supply Fault |
The amplifier detected that no motor supply voltage is present or that the motor supply voltage is less than the minimum required voltage. |
30 |
0x40000000 |
AxisFault.InternalFault |
Internal Fault |
The drive encountered an internal error that caused it to disable. The Internal Fault cannot be acknowledged. You must reset the controller to clear this fault. For more information, use the Global Technical Support Portal to contact Aerotech Global Technical Support. |