ServoLoopGainKv Parameter
Default Value: 1.0
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: None
Units: None
Type: double
Tip: To automatically tune and optimize an axis in a new or existing system, you can use the EasyTune feature. This feature is in the Axes > Servo section of the Configure workspace in Automation1 Studio. After EasyTune completes, the optimized servo gains and servo filters are committed to the controller.
If you are using two feedback devices as input to one axis, then the value of this parameter should equal the ratio of the resolution of feedback input 1 to feedback input 0. If you are using one feedback device, then the value of this parameter should be 1.

When you use a tachometer for FeedbackInput1 Parameter and the FeedbackSetup Parameter is set to Tachometer Mode, use the ServoLoopGainKv parameter to set the scaling between the position feedback and the tachometer input from the analog-to-digital converter. You can calculate the value of this parameter with the equation that follows.
Tachometer Resolution is in volts per 1000 RPM
and Position Feedback Resolution is in counts per revolution