Device Functions
The Automation1 controller gives you read and write access to some drive-level variables, control signals, and status items.
Manual Brake Control
You can use the DriveBrakeOn() and DriveBrakeOff() functions to manually control the brake connected to your drive. These functions control the output specified by the BrakeOutput Parameter. The BrakeOutput parameter defaults to the dedicated brake output on the drive, but you can also set it to a digital output.
You can use these functions to debug the brake operation. You can also use them in an AeroScript program when you want the drive to engage or disengage the brake.
The DriveBrakeOn() and DriveBrakeOff() functions are optional. You can use the BrakeSetup Parameter to automatically disengage the brake when the axis is enabled.
The brake output is fail safe. If the system resets or if the power decreases quickly, the brake automatically engages.
function DriveBrakeOff($axis as axis)
Disengages the brake output and allows the axis to move freely.
$axis The axis on which to disengage the brake.
function DriveBrakeOn($axis as axis)
Engages the brake output and prevents the axis from moving freely.
$axis The axis on which to engage the brake.
Drive Items
You can use the DriveGetItem() function to get status information from the drive. The drive items supply information about the drive that can be used for debugging. You can use the DriveItem enumeration to select the drive item that you want to get.
This function has an overload that includes the $additionalData argument. Some drive items must use the $additionalData argument to select the correct information.
function DriveGetItem($axis as axis, $driveItem as DriveItem) as real
Gets the specified drive item from the specified axis.
$axis The axis from which to retrieve the drive item value.
$driveItem The drive item to retrieve.
The value of the specified drive item.
function DriveGetItem($axis as axis, $driveItem as DriveItem, $additionalData as integer) as real
Gets the specified drive item from the specified axis.
$axis The axis from which to retrieve the drive item value.
$driveItem The drive item to retrieve.
$additionalData Additional data for the specified drive item. This argument is required by some drive items.
The value of the specified drive item.
Refer to the DriveItem enumeration that follows.

enum DriveItem
PhaseACurrentFeedback = 19 PhaseBCurrentFeedback = 20 EncoderSine = 21 EncoderCosine = 22 FrequencyResponseBefore = 25 FrequencyResponseAfter = 26 DriveMemoryInt32 = 35 DriveMemoryFloat = 36 DriveMemoryDouble = 37 DriveTimerDebug = 39 DriveMemoryInt16 = 125 DriveMemoryInt8 = 126 ServoRounding = 161 PsoCounter0 = 171 PsoCounter1 = 172 PsoCounter2 = 173 PsoWindow0 = 174 PsoWindow1 = 175 DriveDataCaptureSamples = 176 PositionCommandGalvo = 178 PrimaryEnDatAbsolutePosition = 197 ServoLoopControlEffort = 201 PhaseAVoltageCommand = 208 PhaseBVoltageCommand = 209 PhaseCVoltageCommand = 210 FpgaVersion = 212 DriveTypeId = 213 PsoWindow0ArrayIndex = 214 PsoWindow1ArrayIndex = 215 PsoDistanceArrayIndex = 216 AmplifierTemperature = 217 PsoBitArrayIndex = 218 MxAbsolutePosition = 219 SettlingTime = 221 InternalStatusCode = 222 FirmwareVersionMajor = 223 FirmwareVersionMinor = 224 FirmwareVersionPatch = 225 FirmwareVersionBuild = 226 DriveTimerDebugMax = 227 MarkerSearchDistance = 228 PositionFeedbackGalvo = 234 LatchedMarkerPosition = 236 PrimaryBissAbsolutePosition = 255 FaultPositionFeedback = 258 MotorCommutationAngle = 259 ExpansionBoardOption = 260 BusVoltage = 261 TimeSinceReset = 273 ServoLoopFeedforwardControlEffort = 290 LastTickCounter = 291 BoardRevision = 292 GalvoLaserOutput = 294 GalvoLaserPowerCorrectionOutput = 299 CapacitanceSensorRawPosition = 300 PositionCalibrationGalvo = 304 BusVoltageNegative = 325 ProcessorTemperature = 326 InternalStatusTimestamp = 328 AnalogSensorInput = 329 MotorTemperature = 330 PrimaryBissStatus = 332 PsoExternalSyncFrequency = 337 EncoderSineRaw = 346 EncoderCosineRaw = 347 FpgaTemperature = 353 PrimaryEnDatStatus = 355 DriveTimerHighPriorityThread = 356 DriveTimerLowPriorityThread = 357 DriveTimerLowPriorityPacket = 358 DriveTimerServoPacket = 359 DriveTimerServoThread = 360 DriveTimerCurrentPacket = 361 DriveTimerCommonCoreThread = 362 DriveTimerServoCorePacket = 363 MultiplierOption = 365 ServoLoopFeedbackInput0 = 367 ServoLoopFeedbackInput1 = 368 FaultSubcode = 376 ProcessorTemperatureMax = 378 DriveTimerHyperWireDma = 381 AmplifierTemperatureMax = 382 AuxiliaryEnDatAbsolutePosition = 383 AuxiliaryEnDatStatus = 384 AuxiliaryBissAbsolutePosition = 385 AuxiliaryBissStatus = 386 PsoOption = 387 RatedMotorSupplyVoltageOption = 389 AbsoluteEncoderOption = 391 AuxiliaryFeedbackStatus = 393 AmplifierStatus = 394 LatchedCwLimitPosition = 395 LatchedCcwLimitPosition = 396 GalvoLaserFpgaTransitionDelay = 397 PiezoAccumulatedCharge = 401 PiezoChargingTime = 402 PrimarySsiAbsolutePosition = 403 PrimarySsiStatus = 404 AuxiliarySsiAbsolutePosition = 405 AuxiliarySsiStatus = 406 PsoDistanceActiveDistance = 407 PsoWindow0ActiveLowerBound = 408 PsoWindow0ActiveUpperBound = 409 PsoWindow1ActiveLowerBound = 410 PsoWindow1ActiveUpperBound = 411 PsoWaveformActiveTotalTime = 412 PsoWaveformActiveOnTime = 413 PsoWaveformActivePulseCount = 414 PsoEventActiveBitValue = 415 DriveTimerDriveBasedControllerOutputDma = 419 DriveTimerPcieInboundFsm = 420 PrimaryFeedbackServo = 425 AuxiliaryFeedbackServo = 426 DriveStackUsage = 427 ShuntResistorTemperature = 436 HighSpeedOutputEncoderPosition = 446 AuxiliaryEncoderOutputPosition = 447 SyncPortAStatus = 448 SyncPortBStatus = 449 HighSpeedOutputEncoderStatus = 450 AuxiliaryEncoderOutputStatus = 451 DriveMemoryUInt32 = 454 DriveMemoryUInt16 = 455 DriveMemoryUInt8 = 456 CurrentLoopFeedbackControlEffort = 458 CurrentLoopFeedforwardControlEffort = 459 HighSpeedInput = 460 PositionCommandEncoder = 461 PositionFeedbackEncoder = 462 ServoLoopFeedbackControlEffort = 463 AnalogOutputHardwareStatus = 464 DigitalOutputHardwareStatus = 465 EnhancedScannerControlOption = 466 end |

The table that follows includes drive types and their DriveTypeId
Table: Applicable Drive Types and DriveTypeId Values
Drive Type |
DriveTypeId Value |
FLEX | 49189 |
GI4 | 49183 |
GL4 | 49153 |
SI4 (2 axis) | 49171 |
SI4 (4 axis) | 49166 |
iXA4 (1 axis) | 49195 |
iXA4 (2 axis) | 49196 |
iXA4 (4 axis) | 49198 |
XA4 (1 axis) | 49191 |
XA4 (2 axis) | 49192 |
XA4 (4 axis) | 49194 |
iXC2 | 49184 |
XC2 | 49163 |
iXC2e | 49185 |
XC2e | 49165 |
iXC4 | 49168 |
XC4 | 49159 |
iXC4e | 49169 |
XC4e | 49160 |
iXC6e | 49176 |
XC6e | 49167 |
iXI4 (2 axis) | 49187 |
XI4 (2 axis) | 49173 |
iXI4 (4 axis) | 49188 |
XI4 (4 axis) | 49174 |
iXL2e | 49186 |
XL2e | 49170 |
XL4s | 49154 |
iXL5e | 49175 |
XL5e | 49162 |
iXR3 (no amp) | 49177 |
XR3 (no amp) | 49155 |
iXR3 (XSL amp) | 49179 |
XR3 (XSL amp) | 49157 |
iXR3 (XSP amp) | 49178 |
XR3 (XSP amp) | 49156 |
Drive Array
The Automation1 controller supplies you with a drive array that is on the drive and can be used for fast data transfer. The drive array can be used with the Drive Data Capture feature to store encoder positions or analog inputs or to specify data for the array modes of various PSO features.
You can use an AeroScript program to read the drive array data into an array variable or write data from an array variable into the drive array.
When you reset the controller, all of the elements in the array are set to zero.
IMPORTANT: On the FLEX, GI4, GL4, SI4, iXA4, XA4, iXI4, and XI4, all axes on the drive share the same drive array. You can use any axis as the argument to the drive array functions.
The size of the drive array is in bytes. The size is not the same for all drive types. Use the DriveArraySize drive item to retrieve the size of the data array directly from the drive.
Table: Applicable Drive Types and Drive Array Size
Drive Type | Drive Array Size (in bytes) |
FLEX | 67,108,864 |
GI4 | 67,108,864 |
GL4 | 67,108,864 |
SI4 | 16,777,216 |
iXA4, XA4 (1 and 2 axis) | 16,777,216 |
iXA4, XA4 (4 axis) | 67,108,864 |
iXC2, XC2 | 16,777,216 |
iXC2e, XC2e | 67,108,864 |
iXC4, XC4 | 16,777,216 |
iXC4e, XC4e | 67,108,864 |
iXC6e, XC6e | 67,108,864 |
iXI4, XI4 | 67,108,864 |
iXL2e, XL2e | 67,108,864 |
XL4s | 16,777,216 |
iXL5e, XL5e | 67,108,864 |
iXR3, XR3 | 67,108,864 |
Virtual Drive | 2048 |
The drive array supports many built-in data types, as determined by the underlying AeroScript feature. You can use the DriveArrayType AeroScript enumeration to specify the feature from which to read and write data to the drive array.

enum DriveArrayType
AnalogOutputVoltages = 6 DataCapturePositions = 7 PsoBitmapBits = 8 PsoDistanceEventDistances = 9 PsoPulseTimes = 10 PsoPulseCounts = 11 PsoWindowRanges = 12 end |
The size of each item that you retrieve depends on the DriveArrayType. The table that follows shows the size in bytes for each item.
Table: DriveArrayType Item Sizes
DriveArrayType Item | Size |
AnalogOutputVoltages | 4 bytes (32 bits) |
DataCapturePositions | 8 bytes (64 bits) |
PsoBitmapBits | 4 bytes (32 bits) |
PsoDistanceEventDistances | 4 bytes (32 bits) |
PsoPulseTimes | 4 bytes (32 bits) |
PsoPulseCounts | 4 bytes (32 bits) |
PsoWindowRanges | 4 bytes (32 bits) |
The byte address that you specify to DriveArrayRead() or DriveArrayWrite() must be evenly divisible by the size of the DriveArrayType item that you specify. For example, if you retrieve DriveArrayType.DataCapturePositions values (8 bytes each), the byte address that you specify to DriveArrayRead() or DriveArrayWrite() must be evenly divisible by 8.
Reading from the Drive Array
You can use the DriveArrayRead() function to read the drive array into an AeroScript array variable. You can specify the byte address where you want to start reading from the drive array and the number of subsequent elements you want to read. The byte address that you specify must be evenly divisible by the size of the DriveArrayType item that you specify. Refer to the table DriveArrayType Item Sizes for information about the size of each DriveArrayType item.
The DriveArrayRead()
function will not complete until it retrieves all of the specified elements from the drive array. All user tasks share Drive Array bandwidth. If two or more user tasks call DriveArrayRead()
at the same time on axes that are part of the same drive, then the higher task number will block until the call from the lower task number is complete. The function retrieves 304,000 bytes per second, per axis, which lets you read 76,000 32-bit values or 38,000 64-bit values per second. To see the number of values that the controller can retrieve per second, refer to the table that follows.
Table: Maximum DriveArrayRead()
Drive Type | Bytes per Second | 32-bit Values per Second | 64-bit Values per Second |
FLEX | 1,216,000 | 304,000 | 152,000 |
GI4 | 912,000 | 228,000 | 114,000 |
GL4 | 608,000 | 152,000 | 76,000 |
SI4 (2 axis) | 608,000 | 152,000 | 76,000 |
SI4 (4 axis) | 1,216,000 | 304,000 | 152,000 |
iXA4, XA4 (1 axis) | 304,000 | 76,000 | 38,000 |
iXA4, XA4 (2 axis) | 608,000 | 152,000 | 76,000 |
iXA4, XA4 (4 axis) | 1,216,000 | 304,000 | 152,000 |
iXC2, XC2, iXC2e, XC2e | 304,000 | 76,000 | 38,000 |
iXC4, XC4, iXC4e, XC4e | 304,000 | 76,000 | 38,000 |
iXC6e, XC6e | 304,000 | 76,000 | 38,000 |
iXI4, XI4 (2 axis) | 608,000 | 152,000 | 76,000 |
iXI4, XI4 (4 axis) | 1,216,000 | 304,000 | 152,000 |
iXL2e, XL2e | 304,000 | 76,000 | 38,000 |
XL4s | 304,000 | 76,000 | 38,000 |
iXL5e, XL5e | 304,000 | 76,000 | 38,000 |
iXR3, XR3 | 304,000 | 76,000 | 38,000 |
Virtual Drive | 304,000 | 76,000 | 38,000 |
Tip: Each call to DriveArrayRead()
causes overhead. To maximize throughput, you can combine the reads into larger operations.
function DriveArrayRead($axis as axis, ref $values[] as real, $startAddress as integer, $numElements as integer, $driveArrayType as DriveArrayType)
Reads the contents of the drive array into an AeroScript array variable.
$axis The axis from which to read the drive array.
ref $values The AeroScript array variable in which to store the drive array data.
$startAddress Byte-addressable index of the drive array from which to begin reading data.
$numElements The number of drive array elements to read.
$driveArrayType The underlying data type to read from the drive array.
The Automation1 .NET, C, LabVIEW, and Python APIs can also read from the Drive Array by using equivalent functions in their applicable programming languages. But when you use one of the APIs, the throughput is much lower. If an Automation1 API and an AeroScript user task try to read at the same time from axes that are part of the same drive, the API function will block until the AeroScript function is completed.
Table: Estimated Maximum API-Equivalent DriveArrayRead()
Drive Type | Bytes per Second | 32-bit Values per Second | 64-bit Values per Second |
FLEX | 600,000 | 150,000 | 75,000 |
GI4 | 500,000 | 125,000 | 62,500 |
GL4 | 400,000 | 100,000 | 50,000 |
SI4 (2 axis) | 400,000 | 100,000 | 50,000 |
SI4 (4 axis) | 600,000 | 150,000 | 75,000 |
iXA4, XA4 (1 axis) | 240,000 | 60,000 | 30,000 |
iXA4, XA4 (2 axis) | 400,000 | 100,000 | 50,000 |
iXA4, XA4 (4 axis) | 600,000 | 150,000 | 75,000 |
iXC2, XC2, iXC2e, XC2e | 240,000 | 60,000 | 30,000 |
iXC4, XC4, iXC4e, XC4e | 240,000 | 60,000 | 30,000 |
iXC6e, XC6e | 240,000 | 60,000 | 30,000 |
iXI4, XI4 (2 axis) | 400,000 | 100,000 | 50,000 |
iXI4, XI4 (4 axis) | 600,000 | 150,000 | 75,000 |
iXL2e, XL2e | 240,000 | 60,000 | 30,000 |
XL4s | 240,000 | 60,000 | 30,000 |
iXL5e, XL5e | 240,000 | 60,000 | 30,000 |
iXR3, XR3 | 240,000 | 60,000 | 30,000 |
Virtual Drive | 240,000 | 60,000 | 30,000 |
Writing to the Drive Array
You can use the DriveArrayWrite()
function to write an AeroScript array variable into the drive array. You can specify the byte address where you want to start writing to the drive array and the number of subsequent elements you want to write. The byte address that you specify must be evenly divisible by the size of the DriveArrayType item that you specify. Refer to the table DriveArrayType Item Sizes for information about the size of each DriveArrayType item.
The DriveArrayWrite()
function will not complete until it writes all of the specified elements to the drive array. All user tasks share Drive Array bandwidth. If two or more user tasks call DriveArrayWrite()
at the same time on axes that are part of the same drive, then the higher task number will block until the call from the lower task number is complete.
IMPORTANT: Do not try to read and write to the same location at the same time.
For Example
Let's say that you call the DriveArrayWrite()
function at the same time as the DriveArrayRead()
function. You call each function on axes that are part of the same drive, either the same axis or different ones. As a result, the two function calls will not block.
The DriveArrayWrite()
function writes a maximum of 216,000 bytes per second, per axis, which lets you write 50,400 32-bit values or 27,000 64-bit values per second. To see the number of values that the controller can write per second, refer to the table that follows:
Table: DriveArrayWrite() Bandwidth
Drive Type | Bytes per Second | 32-bit Values per Second | 64-bit Values per Second |
FLEX | 864,000 | 216,000 | 108,000 |
GI4 | 648,000 | 162,000 | 81,000 |
GL4 | 432,000 | 108,000 | 54,000 |
SI4 (2 axis) | 432,000 | 108,000 | 54,000 |
SI4 (4 axis) | 864,000 | 216,000 | 108,000 |
iXA4, XA4 (1 axis) | 216,000 | 54,000 | 27,000 |
iXA4, XA4 (2 axis) | 432,000 | 108,000 | 54,000 |
iXA4, XA4 (4 axis) | 864,000 | 216,000 | 108,000 |
iXC2, XC2 | 216,000 | 54,000 | 27,000 |
iXC2e, XC2e | 216,000 | 54,000 | 27,000 |
iXC4 , XC4 | 216,000 | 54,000 | 27,000 |
iXC4e, XC4e | 216,000 | 54,000 | 27,000 |
iXC6e, XC6e | 216,000 | 54,000 | 27,000 |
iXI4, XI4 (2 axis) | 432,000 | 108,000 | 54,000 |
iXI4, XI4 (4 axis) | 864,000 | 216,000 | 108,000 |
iXL2e, XL2e | 216,000 | 54,000 | 27,000 |
XL4s | 216,000 | 54,000 | 27,000 |
iXL5e, XL5e | 216,000 | 54,000 | 27,000 |
iXR3, XR3 | 216,000 | 54,000 | 27,000 |
Virtual Drive | 216,000 | 54,000 | 27,000 |
The AeroScript array used to write elements to the drive array is made of 64-bit reals, but the data must be valid for the provided DriveArrayType. Thus, for 32-bit value AeroScript features, the data must not be larger than the 32-bit boundary.
function DriveArrayWrite($axis as axis, $values[] as real, $startAddress as integer, $numElements as integer, $driveArrayType as DriveArrayType)
Writes the contents of an AeroScript array variable to the drive array.
$axis The axis on which to write the drive array.
$values The AeroScript array variable from which to write data to the drive array.
$startAddress Byte-addressable index of the drive array from which to begin writing data.
$numElements The number of drive array elements to write.
$driveArrayType The underlying data type to write to the drive array.
The Automation1 .NET, C, LabVIEW, and Python APIs can also write to the Drive Array by using equivalent functions in their applicable programming languages. In the Automation1 APIs, functions that are equivalent to DriveArrayWrite()
give approximately 15% less throughput because of communication overhead. If an Automation1 API and an AeroScript user task try to write to axes at the same time on the same drive, the API function will block until the AeroScript function call is completed.
Drive Data Capture
The Automation1 controller lets you capture encoder positions or analog inputs and store them in the drive array. You can trigger data capture with PSO or a high speed digital input.
The drive can capture up to 320,000 points a second and write them to the drive array.
The data capture points of the drive array are stored as 64-bit floating point values.
You can read the captured points by using the DriveArrayRead() or DriveArrayReadFast() functions.
Data capture can have a maximum of two configurations per axis. To specify the configuration, use the $configurationNumber argument. Each configuration has an input, trigger, and array. You cannot capture the same input through more than one configuration on the same axis.
HARDWARE: The FLEX, GI4, SI4, iXA4, XA4, iXI4, and XI4 support only one data capture configuration per axis. All other drives support two data capture configurations per axis.
Configuring Drive Data Capture
You can use the DriveDataCaptureConfigureArray() function to configure the drive array for data capture. This function allocates a section of the drive array to store the data capture points. Starting at the $driveArrayStartAdress argument, data capture points are stored in the drive array as they occur. The number of data capture points that are stored in the array is set by the $numberOfPoints argument.
The maximum value of the $numberOfPoints argument is 2,147,483,647, but you can collect an infinite number of points by specifying a value of -1. If you use -1, data capture continues until you disable it. When you collect a number of points that exceeds the size of the drive array, make sure that the points are read from the array before they are overwritten by subsequent captures.
function DriveDataCaptureConfigureArray($axis as axis, $configurationNumber as integer, $driveArrayStartAddress as integer, $numberOfPoints as integer)
Configures the drive array for drive data capture.
$axis The axis on which to configure the drive array for drive data capture.
$configurationNumber The data capture configuration number. When capturing one input signal on the specified axis, specify a value of 0. When capturing two input signals on the specified axis, specify 0 for the first signal and 1 for the second signal.
$driveArrayStartAddress The byte-addressable index of the drive array where the first drive data capture value will be written.
$numberOfPoints The number of points that will be written to the drive array by drive data capture.
You can use the DriveDataCaptureConfigureInput() function to configure the encoder position or analog input that will be captured. You can use the DriveDataCaptureInput enumeration to select the input that you want to capture. Your drive might not support every enumeration option. See the table that follows for the options that are supported on your drive. If you select an unsupported option for your drive, it defaults to PositionCommand.
IMPORTANT: Use PositionCommand for DriveDataCaptureInput only with Part-Speed PSO.
IMPORTANT: PositionFeedback for DriveDataCaptureInput is updated only at the servo rate. Use it only when you cannot use Primary Feedback or Auxiliary Feedback with your configuration.
Table: DriveDataCaptureInput Drive Support
Drive Support |
DriveDataCaptureInput Enumeration |
PositionCommand | PositionFeedback | PrimaryFeedback |
AuxiliaryFeedback |
AnalogInput0 |
AnalogInput1 |
AnalogInput2 | AnalogInput3 | |
FLEX | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
GI4 | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
GL4 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
SI4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
iXA4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
XA4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
iXC2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
XC2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
iXC2e | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
XC2e | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
iXC4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
XC4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
iXC4e | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
XC4e | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
iXC6e | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
XC6e | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
iXI4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
XI4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
iXL2e | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
XL2e | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
XL4s | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
iXL5e | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
XL5e | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
iXR3 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
XR3 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
function DriveDataCaptureConfigureInput($axis as axis, $configurationNumber as integer, $input as DriveDataCaptureInput)
Selects the signal that will be stored by drive data capture.
$axis The axis on which to select the drive data capture signal.
$configurationNumber The data capture configuration number. When capturing one input signal on the specified axis, specify a value of 0. When capturing two input signals on the specified axis, specify 0 for the first signal and 1 for the second signal.
$input The input signal for drive data capture.
Refer to the DriveDataCaptureInput enumeration that follows.

enum DriveDataCaptureInput
PositionCommand = 0 PrimaryFeedback = 1 AuxiliaryFeedback = 2 AnalogInput0 = 3 AnalogInput1 = 4 AnalogInput2 = 5 AnalogInput3 = 6 PositionFeedback = 7 SyncPortA = 8 SyncPortB = 9 end |
You can use the DriveDataCaptureConfigureTrigger() function to configure the signal that will trigger a capture of the input. You can use the DriveDataCaptureTrigger enumeration to select the signal you want to use. Your drive might not support every enumeration option. There are also hardware limitations on each signal that cause latency between the trigger event and when the data is captured. See the table for the triggers that are supported on your drive and the corresponding latency, in nanoseconds. If you select an unsupported option for your drive, data capture events will not be triggered.
Table: DriveDataCaptureTrigger Drive Support
Drive Support |
DriveDataCaptureTrigger Enumeration (latency in nanoseconds) |
PsoOutput | PsoEvent |
HighSpeedInput0 |
HighSpeedInput0 FallingEdge |
HighSpeedInput1 |
HighSpeedInput1 FallingEdge |
AuxiliaryMarker RisingEdge |
AuxiliaryMarker |
FLEX | 10 | 10 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
GI4 | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
GL4 | 10 | 10 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
SI4 | NA | NA | 60 | 60 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
iXA4 | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | NA | NA |
XA4 | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | NA | NA |
iXC2 | 10 | 10 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 60 | 60 |
XC2 | 10 | 10 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 60 | 60 |
iXC2e | 10 | 10 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 60 | 60 |
XC2e | 10 | 10 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 60 | 60 |
iXC4 | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
XC4 | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
iXC4e | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
XC4e | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
iXC6e | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
XC6e | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
iXI4 | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
XI4 | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
iXL2e | 10 | 10 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 60 | 60 |
XL2e | 10 | 10 | NA | NA | NA | NA | 60 | 60 |
XL4s | 10 | 10 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
iXL5e | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
XL5e | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 |
iXR3 | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | NA | NA | 60 | 60 |
XR3 | 10 | 10 | 60 | 60 | NA | NA | 60 | 60 |
function DriveDataCaptureConfigureTrigger($axis as axis, $configurationNumber as integer, $trigger as DriveDataCaptureTrigger)
Selects the event that will trigger drive data capture.
$axis The axis on which to select the drive data capture trigger.
$configurationNumber The data capture configuration number. When capturing one input signal on the specified axis, specify a value of 0. When capturing two input signals on the specified axis, specify 0 for the first signal and 1 for the second signal.
$trigger The trigger event for drive data capture.
Refer to the DriveDataCaptureTrigger enumeration that follows.

enum DriveDataCaptureTrigger
PsoOutput = 0 PsoEvent = 1 HighSpeedInput0RisingEdge = 2 HighSpeedInput0FallingEdge = 3 HighSpeedInput1RisingEdge = 4 HighSpeedInput1FallingEdge = 5 AuxiliaryMarkerRisingEdge = 6 AuxiliaryMarkerFallingEdge = 7 end |
Enabling Drive Data Capture
After you configure data capture, you must use the DriveDataCaptureOn() function to enable it.
You cannot enable this feature while homing.
You can use the DriveDataCaptureOff() function to disable this feature at any time. This function is optional. This feature also disables when it captures the number of elements specified by the $numberOfPoints argument in the DriveDataCaptureConfigureArray() function.
You can use the DriveGetItem() function to read the number of elements captured by setting $driveItem to DriveItem.DriveDataCaptureSamples and $additionalData to the necessary $configurationNumber.
function DriveDataCaptureOff($axis as axis, $configurationNumber as integer)
Disables drive data capture of configured inputs.
$axis The axis on which to disable drive data capture.
$configurationNumber The data capture configuration number. When capturing one input signal on the specified axis, specify a value of 0. When capturing two input signals on the specified axis, specify 0 for the first signal and 1 for the second signal.
function DriveDataCaptureOn($axis as axis, $configurationNumber as integer)
Enables drive data capture of configured inputs.
$axis The axis on which to enable drive data capture.
$configurationNumber The data capture configuration number. When capturing one input signal on the specified axis, specify a value of 0. When capturing two input signals on the specified axis, specify 0 for the first signal and 1 for the second signal.
Drive Encoder Output
Automation1 drives can send encoder feedback signals to external devices. These feedback signals are transmitted as incremental square-wave encoder signals from one or more supported drive connectors. You can use the DriveEncoderOutput* functions to configure a supported drive connector to send these encoder feedback signals.
The Drive Encoder Output feature lets you send encoder signals to other drives. Then these drives use the encoder signals as PSO tracking inputs in multi-axis PSO configurations.
For information about which connectors you can use for Drive Encoder Output, see the hardware manual for your drive. You can download your manual from the Manuals & Help Files section of
Configuring the Drive Encoder Output
You can use the DriveEncoderOutputConfigureInput() function to select the correct feedback source to transmit from the specified drive output connector.
function DriveEncoderOutputConfigureInput($axis as axis, $outputChannel as EncoderOutputChannel, $inputChannel as EncoderInputChannel)
Configures an output channel to echo encoder signals from the specified input channel.
$axis The axis on which to apply the configuration.
$outputChannel The outgoing encoder channel.
$inputChannel The incoming encoder channel.
Use the EncoderOutputChannel enumeration to select the output connector that is necessary to configure so it can transmit encoder feedback signals. For information about which output connectors are available on each drive, see your drive hardware manuals.
Refer to the EncoderOutputChannel enumeration that follows.

enum EncoderOutputChannel
AuxiliaryEncoder = 0 SyncPortA = 1 SyncPortB = 2 HighSpeedOutputs = 3 EncoderOutputConnector = 4 end |
Use the EncoderInputChannel enumeration to select the source of the encoder signals that you want to send on the output connector:
- For the PrimaryEncoder option: The IncrementalEncoderSquareWave, the IncrementalEncoderSineWave (-MX2, -MX3, -CT2, and -CT4 only), and the CapacitanceSensor primary feedback types are supported.
- For the AuxiliaryEncoder option: The IncrementalEncoderSquareWave and the IncrementalEncoderSineWave (-CT4) feedback types are supported.
When you use the Drive Encoder Output to send Drive Pulse Stream signals (EncoderInputChannel.PulseStream), the format of the signals is controlled by the Pulse Stream feature. Refer to the DrivePulseStreamConfigure() function for available options.
Refer to the EncoderInputChannel enumeration that follows.

enum EncoderInputChannel
PrimaryEncoder = 0 AuxiliaryEncoder = 1 SyncPortA = 2 SyncPortB = 3 PulseStream = 4 end |
You can configure the Drive Encoder Output feature to apply an integer divider to the encoder feedback signals as they are transmitted from the drive output connector. To configure this divider, use the DriveEncoderOutputConfigureDivider() function. Aerotech recommends that you use this divider to make sure that the switching rate of the Drive Encoder Output quadrature signals is not more than the maximum supported rate of 25 MHz, as measured in counts per second. If the PrimaryFeedbackType Parameter of the axis on which you want to configure to this divider is set to IncrementalEncoderSineWave, then the PrimaryEmulatedQuadratureDivider Parameter also has an effect on switching rate of the Drive Encoder Output quadrature signal. In this case, the PrimaryEmulatedQuadratureDivider parameter and the $outputDivider argument are multiplied together to get the divider. When the PrimaryFeedbackType parameter is set to IncrementalEncoderSineWave, Aerotech recommends that you use only the PrimaryEmulatedQuadratureDivider parameter to adjust the switching rate and set $outputDivider to 1.
function DriveEncoderOutputConfigureDivider($axis as axis, $outputChannel as EncoderOutputChannel, $outputDivider as integer)
Applies a divider on the specified output channel, lowering the frequency of output signals.
$axis The axis on which to apply the configuration.
$outputChannel The outgoing encoder channel.
$outputDivider The divider to apply to encoder output.
You can use the DriveEncoderOutputConfigureDirection()
function to reverse the drive encoder output signals that are transmitted through encoder output channels.
function DriveEncoderOutputConfigureDirection($axis as axis, $outputChannel as EncoderOutputChannel, $reverseDirection as integer)
Inverts the output signal of a specified channel.
$axis The axis on which to apply the configuration.
$outputChannel The outgoing encoder channel.
$reverseDirection Reverses the direction of the encoder output signal.
Controlling the Drive Encoder Output
After you configure a connector for the Drive Encoder Output feature, you can use the DriveEncoderOutputOn() function to enable it. While the connector is enabled, the drive tracks the specified encoder input and sends the counts on the configured output connector. If you are receiving feedback on another drive input, you must also configure the correct feedback parameters for the input you are using. These can include PrimaryFeedbackType Parameter, AuxiliaryFeedbackType Parameter, and the Primary Multiplier and Auxiliary Multiplier parameters.
IMPORTANT: Most of the connectors that you can use for the Drive Encoder Output feature are bidirectional. When you use the DriveEncoderOutputOn() function to enable the Drive Encoder Output feature on a connector, you cannot use that same connector as an input.
function DriveEncoderOutputOn($axis as axis, $outputChannel as EncoderOutputChannel)
Enables encoder output on the specified output channel.
$axis The axis on which to enable encoder output.
$outputChannel The outgoing encoder channel.
To disable encoder output, use the DriveEncoderOutputOff() function. The DriveEncoderOutputOff() function does not reset the configuration of the Drive Encoder Output feature. You can immediately use the DriveEncoderOutputOn() function again to enable the feature with the existing configuration.
function DriveEncoderOutputOff($axis as axis, $outputChannel as EncoderOutputChannel)
Disables encoder output on the specified output channel.
$axis The axis on which to disable encoder output.
$outputChannel The outgoing encoder channel.
Pulse Stream
The Automation1 controller lets you generate pulses that are proportional to the speed of one or more real or virtual axes. The pulse stream can be an internal signal that is used as an input to PSO. It can also be a quadrature output signal when used with the Encoder Output feature.
When the pulse stream is enabled, the controller sends pulses to the drive controlling the specified output axis at a 20 kHz rate. The maximum rate for the pulse stream is 95 MHz.
Some of the use cases of the pulse stream are as follows:
- Pulse a laser input signal that is proportional to the velocity command of one or more axes.
- Perform PSO operations based on the position or velocity of one or more axes.
Configuring the Pulse Stream
You can use the DrivePulseStreamConfigure() function to configure which axes are tracked by the controller. The input axes can be real or virtual. The output axis specified by the $outputAxis argument generates the pulse stream.
When you configure the pulse stream to track only one axis, the controller calculates the speed and direction of that axis. When you configure the pulse stream to track multiple axes, the controller calculates a vector speed by calculating the square root of the sum of squares of the position of each axis, without direction information.
The controller calculates the speed in encoder counts. You can use the $inputScaleFactors argument to apply scale factors and track the axes in other units. The scale factors should be set in the same order as the axes you specified with the $inputAxes argument. The scale factors are multiplied to the speed of each axis before the controller calculates the vector speed.
The controller then sends the vector speed to the drive controlling the output axis. The output axis generates a number of pulses corresponding to the vector speed.
function DrivePulseStreamConfigure($outputAxis as axis, $inputAxes[] as axis, $inputScaleFactors[] as real)
Configures pulse streaming mode.
$outputAxis The output axis on which to configure pulse streaming mode.
$inputAxes An array of one or more axes which will be tracked.
$inputScaleFactors An array of scale factors to apply to each axis in the $inputAxes array.
function DrivePulseStreamConfigure($outputAxis as axis, $inputAxes[] as axis, $inputScaleFactors[] as real, $signalMode as DrivePulseStreamSignalMode)
Configures pulse streaming mode.
$outputAxis The output axis on which to configure pulse streaming mode.
$inputAxes An array of one or more axes which will be tracked.
$inputScaleFactors An array of scale factors to apply to each axis in the $inputAxes array.
$signalMode The signal mode used when DriveEncoderOutputConfigureInput() and DriveEncoderOutputOn() are configured to echo the Pulse Stream signal to an encoder output.
Use the $signalMode argument to specify the format of the pulse stream signals sent to the drive. The $signalMode argument has an effect on the format of the signals only when it is used in conjunction with the Drive Encoder Output feature. For more information, refer to Drive Encoder Output.
Refer to the DrivePulseStreamSignalMode enumeration that follows.

enum DrivePulseStreamSignalMode
Quadrature = 0 ClockDirection = 1 end |
Enabling the Pulse Stream
You can use the DrivePulseStreamOn() and DrivePulseStreamOff() functions to enable and disable the pulse stream on the output axis. If you do not use the DrivePulseStreamOn() function, pulses will not be generated.
function DrivePulseStreamOff($outputAxis as axis)
Disables pulse streaming mode on an axis.
$outputAxis The axis on which to disable pulse streaming mode.
function DrivePulseStreamOn($outputAxis as axis)
Enables pulse streaming mode on an axis.
$outputAxis The axis on which to enable pulse streaming mode.
Drive Position Registers
The Automation1 controller lets you set the different position command and feedback values on the drive.
You can use the StatusGetAxisItem() function to read the Position Command, Position Feedback, and Position Feedback Auxiliary at any time.
Setting Position Command
You can use the DriveSetPositionCommand() function to set the position command of the axis without physically moving the axis to that position. This function sets the position command on the drive at the servo loop level. The drive calculates the difference between the current position command and the new position command specified by the $positionCommand argument. The drive reduces the position feedback by this difference to maintain the current position error.
WARNING: Do not use this function to arbitrarily change the position command if axis calibration is active. This will cause the calibration table to be misaligned and incorrect. Use the PositionOffsetSet() function to set axis programmed positions without affecting the calibration table alignment.
function DriveSetPositionCommand($axis as axis, $positionCommandValue as real)
Sets the position command value of the specified axis at the servo loop level and adjusts the position feedback for position error.
$axis The axis on which to set the position command.
$positionCommandValue The position command value to set.
Setting Position Feedback
You can use the DriveSetPositionFeedback() function to set the position feedback of the axis without physically moving the axis to that position. This function sets the position feedback on the drive at the servo loop level. The drive also sets the position command to the new position feedback value specified by the $positionFeedback argument. This results in no position error to prevent the axis from being commanded back to the original position.
WARNING: Calibration tables are referenced from the zero position, which is normally established by homing the axis. However, this function establishes a new zero at an arbitrary position, so if you have calibration tables, you must adjust them based on the position feedback value in this function or they will be incorrect.
function DriveSetPositionFeedback($axis as axis, $positionFeedbackValue as real)
Sets the position command and the position feedback value of the specified axis at the servo loop level.
$axis The axis on which to set the position command.
$positionFeedbackValue The position feedback value to set.
Setting Encoder Hardware Counters
You can use the DriveSetEncoderPosition()
function to set the value of the different drive encoder hardware counters. Use the $encoderChannel
argument to specify the channel on which to set the counter value and the $encoderValue
argument to specify the new counter value in counts. See the DriveEncoderChannel
enumeration for the list of available drive encoder channels that you can use with this function.
function DriveSetEncoderPosition($axis as axis, $encoderChannel as DriveEncoderChannel, $encoderValue as real)
Sets the hardware position counter of a drive encoder.
$axis The axis on which to set the hardware position counter of a drive encoder.
$encoderChannel The drive encoder on which to set the hardware position counter.
$encoderValue The value to set to the hardware position counter.

enum DriveEncoderChannel
AuxiliaryEncoder = 0 SyncPortA = 1 SyncPortB = 2 HighSpeedOutputs = 3 end |
WARNING: The DriveSetEncoderPosition()
function is for diagnostic purposes only. Aerotech does not recommend that you use this function to change encoder values while the encoder is operating. This could cause unexpected behavior.
IMPORTANT: For the drive to read the feedback from the encoder that is connected to the auxiliary connector, the AuxiliaryFeedbackType Parameter must be set to IncrementalEncoderSquareWave.
HARDWARE: To set the counter values of SYNC Port A or SYNC Port B on a GI4, GL4, SI4, iXA4, XA4, iXI4, or XI4, you must issue the DriveSetEncoderPosition()
function on the first axis of the drive.