HomeOffset Parameter

Default Value: 0.0

Minimum Value: None

Maximum Value: None

Units: distance

Type: double

When you reference this parameter in an AeroScript program, the parameter value is in the units specified by the unit mode of the task. If the task is in primary units mode, this parameter is in primary units. If the task is in secondary units mode, this parameter is in secondary units.

Use the HomeOffset parameter to define the distance that is moved from the reference position, which is typically the encoder marker, to get to the final home position.

The arithmetic sign of the HomeOffset parameter is determined by the encoder direction. The value of the ReverseMotionDirection Parameter does not have an effect on the move direction.

  • If you specify a positive value for the HomeOffset parameter, the controller moves positive encoder counts.
  • If you specify a negative value for the HomeOffset parameter, the controller moves negative encoder counts.

At the end of the home offset move, the controller normally sets the position command of the axis to zero and declares the axis to be homed. The HomePositionSet Parameter lets you change the value that the position display in the application shows at the end of the home cycle.