PrimaryEncoderMultiplierSetup Parameter

Default Value: 3

Minimum Value: None

Maximum Value: None

Units: None

Type: int

Before you use the PrimaryEncoderMultiplierSetup parameter:

  1. Set the FeedbackInput0 Parameter or the FeedbackInput1 Parameter to Primary Feedback.
  2. Set the PrimaryFeedbackType Parameter to one of the values that follow:
    • IncrementalEncoderSineWave
    • AbsoluteEncoderEnDatwithSineWaveIncremental
    • AbsoluteEncoderBiSSwithSineWaveIncremental

The PrimaryEncoderMultiplierSetup parameter configures the settings related to the optional encoder multiplier module of the drive. The sections that follow give the possible settings for this parameter.