InPositionDistance Parameter

Default Value: 0.01

Minimum Value: None

Maximum Value: None

Units: distance

Type: double

Use this parameter to specify the position error threshold below which an axis is considered to be "in position". If you set this parameter to zero, the axis is considered to be "in position" only when the position error is exactly zero. If you set this parameter to a negative value, then there is no threshold and the axis is always considered to be "in position".

For an axis to be considered "in position", all the conditions that follow must be true:

  • The axis must be enabled.
  • The axis must have a velocity command of zero.
  • The absolute value of the position error must be less than the value specified by the InPositionDistance parameter, for a minimum of the quantity of time that is specified by the InPositionTime Parameter.

Axes under autofocus control are considered to be "in position" when they are within the deadband specified by the AutofocusDeadband Parameter.

You can use the InPositionTimeoutThreshold Parameter to specify how long the controller waits until a fault is generated.

IMPORTANT: When you reference this parameter in an AeroScript program, the parameter value is in the units specified by the unit mode of the task. If the task is in primary units mode, this parameter is in primary units. If the task is in secondary units mode, this parameter is in secondary units.