HomeType Parameter

Default Value: 4

Minimum Value: 0

Maximum Value: 6

Units: None

Type: int

Use the HomeType parameter to specify which procedure is used to determine the home position of the axis.

The HomeSpeed Parameter sets the speed of all homing-related motion. The HomeRampRate Parameter sets the acceleration and deceleration rates.

If you are using a gantry under Decoupling Control:

  • You must set the HomeType parameter to the same value on the two gantry axes.
  • Aerotech recommends that you set the HomeType parameter as To Limit and Reverse To Marker.

The sections that follow tell you more about the procedure used for each home-type configuration.

IMPORTANT: Virtual Axes will behave as if the At Current Position configuration is specified for the HomeType parameter. If you use virtual axes and specify a different configuration for this parameter, it has no effect.