RolloverCounts Parameter

Default Value: 0.0

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: None

Units: counts

Type: double

Use the RolloverCounts parameter to enable position rollover (modulo) and to specify the number of encoder counts at which the position rolls over. To disable rollover, set this parameter to zero. If you set this parameter to a nonzero value, each time the axis moves, from zero, the number of counts defined by this parameter, the display of Program Position Feedback and Program Position Command rolls over. This does not change actual motion and applies only to the display.

For Example

The RolloverCounts parameter for an axis is set so that the position rolls over at 50 counts. The axis is at position -49 counts. If you are in incremental programming mode and you issue a command that moves the axis -2 counts from the position, then the position display in the Develop workspace of Automation1 Studio shows a value of -1 counts, not -51 counts.

This parameter has an effect on the Axis Dashboard display of the Develop Workspace. When you are in absolute programming mode, it also has an effect on the target position of absolute motion functions such as MoveAbsolute() or MoveLinear().

In the Data Visualizer module, the position feedback and position command do not roll over. An artificial step does not show in the plotted position. This does not change actual motion and applies only to the display in the Data Visualizer. To use the condensed version of this module in the Develop workspace, see Data Visualizer Module. To use the larger version of this module in the Visualize workspace, see Visualize Workspace.

This parameter has an effect on the axis status items that follow:

  • PositionCommandRollover
  • PositionFeedbackRollover
  • ProgramPositionCommand
  • ProgramPositionFeedback
  • PositionFeedbackAuxiliaryRollover