DefaultDependentCoordinatedAccelLimit Parameter

Default Value: 0.0

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: None

Units: dependent acceleration

Type: double

IMPORTANT: This parameter applies only when you do all the operations that follow:

The DefaultDependentCoordinatedAccelLimit parameter specifies the maximum acceleration of the dependent axes that are in a coordinated motion command.

If you specify a nonzero value for the DefaultDependentCoordinatedAccelLimit parameter, the controller decreases the speed and acceleration of coordinated motion such as MoveCcw(), MoveCw(), and MoveLinear(). Thus, the acceleration of all dependent axes will always be at or below the value of the DefaultDependentCoordinatedAccelLimit parameter.

The DefaultDependentCoordinatedAccelLimit parameter specifies the maximum acceleration of each axis in a move, not the coordinated acceleration of the move. To determine the value to use for this parameter, start by setting this parameter to the same value as the DefaultDependentCoordinatedRampRate Parameter. Then adjust the value as necessary.

To limit accelerations of the normalcy axis, you must use the DefaultDependentCoordinatedAccelLimit parameter with Normalcy.

IMPORTANT: You must reset the controller for these changes to have an effect.