ServoLoopGainKiv Parameter

Default Value: 1.0

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: 100000.0

Units: hz

Type: double

Tip: To automatically tune and optimize an axis in a new or existing system, you can use the EasyTune feature. This feature is in the Axes > Servo section of the Configure workspace in Automation1 Studio. After EasyTune completes, the optimized servo gains and servo filters are committed to the controller.

The ServoLoopGainKiv parameter sets the frequency at which the primary behavior of the controller changes from a spring-like proportional gain to a damper-like gain with a derivative response. In feedback control theory, this parameter value is the location of the higher-frequency real-axis zero of the transfer function of a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller in units of Hz. If you increase the value of the ServoLoopGainKiv parameter, the controller feedback path increases the control effort more quickly when it tries to correct for a steady error input. It is typical to set the value of the ServoLoopGainKiv parameter to a value that is 1/3 to 1/2 of the first open-loop magnitude crossover frequency.