PrimaryAbsoluteFeedbackOffset Parameter

Default Value: 0.0

Minimum Value: None

Maximum Value: None

Units: counts

Type: double

The PrimaryAbsoluteFeedbackOffset parameter specifies an offset that the controller applies to the position feedback when you use an absolute feedback device on the primary channel. The controller adds the specified offset to the position that the absolute feedback device returns. The controller applies the value of the PrimaryAbsoluteFeedbackOffset parameter to the position feedback only when you set the PrimaryFeedbackType Parameter to AbsoluteEncoderEnDat, AbsoluteEncoderBiss, or CapacitanceSensor.

If You Are Using Axis Calibration

If you change the value of the PrimaryAbsoluteFeedbackOffset parameter and you are using axis calibration, make sure that your calibration file includes the PRIMARYABSOLUTEFEEDBACKOFFSET keyword. When your calibration file includes this keyword, the controller automatically uses this information to dynamically shift the calibration table. Thus, you can safely change the value of this parameter without having an effect on the accuracy of your axis.

If your calibration file does not include the PRIMARYABSOLUTEFEEDBACKOFFSET keyword, you must add it to the calibration file to record the initial value of the PrimaryAbsoluteFeedbackOffset parameter at the time the calibration file was created. After you add this information to the calibration file, the controller dynamically shifts the calibration table when you change the value of the PrimaryAbsoluteFeedbackOffset parameter.

When you reference this parameter in an AeroScript program, the parameter value is in the units specified by the unit mode of the task. If the task is in primary units mode, this parameter is in primary units. If the task is in secondary units mode, this parameter is in secondary units.