BrakeDisableDelay Parameter

Default Value: 0

Minimum Value: 0

Maximum Value: 1000

Units: time milliseconds

Type: int

HARDWARE: This parameter does not apply when used with the GI4, the GL4 or the XL4s.

Before you use the BrakeDisableDelay parameter, you must set the BrakeSetup Parameter to a value of 1.

The BrakeDisableDelay parameter specifies, in milliseconds, the interval that the controller waits between when it engages the brake and when it disables the servo loop. Usually there is a period of time before a mechanical brake fully engages or disengages on an axis. If the controller disables the servo loop before it fully engages the brake, the axis might move an unwanted distance.

You can use this parameter to tell the controller to wait for the interval that you specify so that the controller has time to fully engage the brake before it disables the servo loop.

If the controller disables the axis because of a fault condition, the controller uses this delay only if the corresponding fault bit is set in the FaultMaskDisableDelay Parameter. If the corresponding fault bit is not set, the controller immediately disables the servo loop. The settings of the BrakeDisableDelay parameter do not have an effect. When a fault is active in the FaultMaskDecel Parameter and FaultMaskDisable Parameter, the delay does not start until after the axis decelerates to a stop.