AbortDecelRate Parameter

Default Value: 500.0

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: None

Units: acceleration

Type: double

Use the AbortDecelRate parameter to specify the deceleration value used by an axis during an abort. An abort can be generated by a call to Abort() or when the controller decelerates the axis because of an error.

An axis only aborts using the AbortDecelRate rate only in certain circumstances. Refer to TABLE to determine the abort deceleration value used by the controller.

Table: Abort Deceleration Value


Abort Deceleration Value

  • MoveLinear() / G1

  • MoveCw() / G2

  • MoveCcw() / G3

The value is usually determined by the coordinated acceleration and ramp parameters and functions. But if Ifov or a transformation is used with this motion, then AbortDecelRate1 is used instead.

Refer to Motion Functions and Acceleration and Deceleration Ramping for more information on the coordinated acceleration ramp parameters and functions.

  • MoveAbsolute()

  • MoveIncremental()

  • MoveFreerun()

  • MoveRapid() / G0

  • MovePt()

  • MovePvt()

  • MoveOutOfLimit()

  • MoveToLimitCw()

  • MoveToLimitCcw()

  • Home()

  • Joystick

  • Spindle

  • An axis fault occurs that is selected in both the FaultMask Parameter and in the FaultMaskDecel Parameter

  • HyperWire communication is lost

  • Deceleration because of motion into an end-of-travel limit

  • Deceleration because of motion into a software limit

The controller calculates the value that is necessary to decelerate.

1. If AbortDecelRate is set to 0, then the abort deceleration value is infinity.

Related Topics 

Configure Workspace

Axes Category

Motion Setup Functions (see the Coordinated Speeds section)

Motion Functions (see the Abort section)