Emergency Stop Fault

An EmergencyStopFault occurs because of one of the conditions that follows.

When the controller detects an EmergencyStopFault on one axis, it automatically generates the fault on all system axes for which the corresponding bit is set in the FaultMask Parameter.

This fault only can occur when the Emergency Stop Fault box is selected in the FaultMask parameter in the Configure workspace.

To correct an EmergencyStopFault, first you must find which axis is causing the fault. To do this, go to the Variables & I/O Module in the Develop workspace, and make sure that the selected input for the SoftwareEmergencyStopInput parameter is high. For each axis, look at the EmergencyStopFaultInput parameter and make sure that the status item for the input selected by this parameter shows the correct value. If Dedicated Input is selected, make sure that the EstopInput bit of the Drive Status item in the Status Utility is low. If a digital input is selected, make sure that bit is high in the Variables & I/O module of the Develop workspace. If the status item or digital input is not correct, then that axis is causing an EmergencyStopFault.

Use the table that follows to help find the cause and solution of the EmergencyStopFault. The table does not include all of the causes of this fault, just the ones that occur most frequently.

Table: EmergencyStopFault Causes and Solutions

Cause Examine your System Solution
The incorrect input is configured as the Emergency Stop input. Refer to your system documentation to see which input you should use for the Emergency Stop input. Make sure that the EmergencyStopFaultInput Parameter and the SoftwareEmergencyStopInput Parameter are set to the correct input. If you are using the Dedicated Input, refer to the hardware manual for your drive to make sure that the drive supports this option.
The EmergencyStopFaultInput Parameter is set to Dedicated Input and one or more of the inputs is not being driven. Refer to the hardware manual for your drive, and examine the system wiring. Refer to the hardware manual for your drive to make sure that the Dedicated Input is being driven correctly.
The digital input that is configured as the Emergency Stop input is not being driven. Examine your system wiring. Make sure that the digital input is On in the Drive I/O tab of the Variables & I/O module in the Develop workspace. For more information, see Variables & I/O Module.
Short diagnostic pulses are not ignored. If the EmergencyStopFaultInput Parameter is configured to use the Dedicated Input, refer to the hardware manual for your drive to see if it has ESTOP or STO hardware.

ESTOP or Digital Input: Make sure that the Software ESTOP Filtering option of the IOSetup Parameter is set how you want for the input. You can select Enabled or Disabled.

STO: Make sure that the StoPulseFilter Parameter is set to the time you want.

The STO channels were not power cycled after an EmergencyStopFault was resolved. This only applies to drives with Safe Torque Off (STO) hardware. Refer to your hardware manual to see if your drive uses STO.

The STO hardware must be power cycled after an STO hardware shutdown. The STO hardware shutdown occurs when one or more of the STO inputs is activated for the STO delay time. Refer to the hardware manual for your drive to get the exact delay time and for more information on power cycling the channels.

In the Data Visualizer module, plot the Sto Status. If one or more of the bits that follow are high, then cycle power to the STO channels:

  • StoCrossCheckFault
  • Sto1Activated
  • Sto2Activated

To use the condensed version of this module in the Develop workspace, see Data Visualizer Module. To use the larger version of this module in the Visualize workspace, see Visualize Workspace.