Amplifier Fault

HARDWARE: This fault can occur with all drives except for the GI4.

The AmplifierFault can only occur when an axis is enabled.

The AmplifierFault has six possible causes, which are shown in the fault subcode bits. See the drop-downs that follow for more information about each subcode.

Using the Data Visualizer Module

You can add the Fault Subcode status item in the Configure Signals dialog of the Data Visualizer module. To use the condensed version of this module in the Develop workspace, see Data Visualizer Module. To use the larger version of this module in the Visualize workspace, see Visualize Workspace. To do this, enter Fault Bit 6 to get the value for the AmplifierFault subcodes. The fault subcode value that shows in the Data Visualizer is a decimal representation of this fault subcode bit map.

To interpret the subcodes, convert the decimal value that you get from the Data Visualizer to a binary number. Each bit that is set to 1 means that there is an active fault for the corresponding subcode.

For example, a value of 8 means that you have a Power Module Trap subcode (bit 3) of the AmplifierFault. A value of 12 means that the Power Module Trap (bit 3) and IPM Fault (bit 2) subcodes are active.

Table: AmplifierFault Causes and Solutions



Examine Your System


Power Limiting Active

The power dissipation in the amplifier is more than its rated value and power limiting circuitry is active.

Inspect your load, commanded current, and bus voltage. Power delivered from the motor supply and not dissipated by the load is being dissipated by the amplifier.

Decrease the internal amplifier power dissipation by using a lower bus voltage or commanding less current. A higher resistance load (at the same voltage and current) will also dissipate less power internally (since more is dissipated in the load).

Bus Overvoltage

The BusOvervoltageThreshold parameter is set to a value less than the typical operating bus voltage of your system.

Find the bus voltage value that triggers a fault in your system. Machine Setup automatically sets this parameter on supported drives.

Set the BusOvervoltageThreshold parameter to the correct value for your system.

You can also disable the firmware check by setting the BusOvervoltageThreshold value to 0 (the hardware check will still be active on supported drives).

Bus Overvoltage

Deceleration on an axis in motion caused a sudden increase in bus voltage.

Find a deceleration rate that does not increase the bus voltage as much during regeneration.

Change the system motion to limit deceleration rates. You can also use a shunt resistor on drives that support it.

IPM Fault

The motor outputs of the drive are shorted to each other or to ground.

Examine your system wiring.

Remove short circuit connections.

IPM Fault

A high current output caused the IPM to overheat.

Make sure that your system is able to cool.

Improve airflow to the drive to increase heat dissipation.

IPM Fault

The power module failed internally.


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Power Module Trap

The current output of the power module is more than its rating.

Make sure that the continuous current output stays less than the hardware specifications.

Keep current output less than the rated levels.

External Amp Fault

The external amplifier fault input signal (pin 15 on the axis connector on an SI4, iXI4, or XI4) is not being received by the controller.

Examine your system wiring.

Make sure that you are properly driving the external amplifier fault input pin in your system.

External Amp Fault

The amplifier fault polarity bit of the FaultSetup parameter is set incorrectly.

Examine the polarity of the external amplifier fault signal in your system (pin 15 on the axis connector).

Set the amplifier fault polarity bit of the FaultMask parameter to the correct value.

Logic Supply Fault

There is an internal failure of the drive power supply.


Use the Global Technical Support Portal to contact Aerotech Global Technical Support.