Task Status Module
The Task Status module of the Develop workspace shows the state of each task, which includes any active task errors or task warnings. The module also shows the Program line number and Motion line number for the program that is running on a task. For information about how to configure tasks, see Tasks Category. This module has the tabs that follow:
Overview Tab
The Overview tab shows a list of all the controller tasks with their states, Program line numbers, Motion line numbers, warnings, and errors.
Task Tabs
Each enabled task has a tab that shows the overview information and the modal status for that task.
Changing the Module Layout
You can change the size of the module when you click and drag the border with other modules in the workspace.
In the top-right part of the module header, click the Expand button to let the module fill all of the workspace area. While it is expanded, you can click the Restore button
to let the module go back to its original size.