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Lead-Lag PID Compensator
The typical configuration of the servo loop is a lead-lag implementation of a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) compensator. It uses the transfer function that follows.
C is the full Proportional-Integral-Derivative compensator.
S is the variable for the Laplace transform.
K is the value of the
Kip is the value of the
In the lead-lag implementation of a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) compensator, there are no servo gains that directly correspond to each of the P-I-D contributions. You can calculate the P-I-D contributions from the standard servo gains. Refer to the equations that follow:
P is the Proportional contribution of PID.
K is the value of the
Kip is the value of the
Kiv is the value of the
I is the Integral contribution of PID.
D is the Derivative contribution of PID.