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Enable Motion
In the Frequency Response module, the Enable Motion option is available when you select Servo Loop as the Control Loop. It moves the axis in the forward and reverse directions based on the motion parameters, Travel Distance (primary units), and Travel Speed (primary units / second) that you specify. This movement occurs while you are measuring the frequency response. You can use the Enable Motion option to get low-frequency measurements that are more accurate on axes with high friction and on axes with coarse-resolution position encoders.
For an axis that generates linear motion, Aerotech recommends that you start with a Travel Distance of 10 mm. For an axis that generates rotational motion, Aerotech recommends that you start with a Travel Distance of 20 degrees. For the two axis types, set the Travel Speed to 1/10 of the Travel Distance to keep direction reversals to a minimum of ten-second intervals.
For some axes, EasyTune asks you to specify more information about the motion to help identify the selected axis. The information that you must specify includes the Travel Distance (primary units) and Travel Speed (primary units / second) motion parameters.