EndOfTravelCurrentThresholdLow Parameter

Default Value: 0.0

Minimum Value: -10.0

Maximum Value: 10.0

Units: amperes

Type: float

Before you use the EndOfTravelCurrentThresholdLow parameter, you must set the Current-Based Limits setting of the EndOfTravelLimitSetup Parameter to Use Current Limits.

The EndOfTravelCurrentThresholdLow parameter sets the maximum amount of negative current that you can command to the axis before the drive reports a counterclockwise (CCW) negative end-of-travel limit. The value of this parameter is typically a negative number.

Set the value of this parameter so that when the amount of current that you command is more negative than the threshold, the controller is driving the axis into the hard stop. The controller uses current-based limits only until you home the axis. You must specify software-based limits to limit the travel of the axis after it is homed. Refer to SoftwareLimitLow Parameter and SoftwareLimitHigh Parameter for more information.

IMPORTANT: Set this parameter to a value that is less than the maximum quantity of negative current necessary to home the axis or the drive will report the end-of-travel limit before the axis reaches the hard stop.