DefaultAxisRampTime Parameter

Default Value: 0.5

Minimum Value: 0.0

Maximum Value: None

Units: time seconds

Type: double

IMPORTANT: This parameter does not apply to coordinated motion such as MoveLinear(), MoveCw(), and MoveCcw() functions. For coordinated motion, use the DefaultCoordinatedRampTime Parameter.

The DefaultAxisRampTime parameter specifies the quantity of time over which the controller completes velocity changes when you use time-based ramping for the MoveRapid() function and for asynchronous motion functions such as MoveFreerun(), MoveIncremental(), and MoveAbsolute().

In this mode, acceleration and deceleration always occur over a fixed period, which means that the effective acceleration rate will change based on the change in velocity. When you use the DefaultAxisRampTime parameter, acceleration and deceleration default to the same time. If you want to specify a different time for acceleration, deceleration, or both, you must use the SetupAxisRampValue() function in your program.

Do not try to set the active ramp time with this parameter. To set the ramp time of the axis from within an AeroScript program, use the SetupAxisRampValue() function.

Tip: Aerotech recommends that you use rate-based ramping as an alternative to time-based ramping because the maximum acceleration does not change when the commanded velocity changes. Refer to the SetupCoordinatedRampValue() function in Motion Setup Functions.

IMPORTANT: You must reset the controller for these changes to have an effect.