AutoMsetRampTime Parameter

Default Value: 2000

Minimum Value: 1

Maximum Value: 20000

Units: time milliseconds

Type: int

IMPORTANT: This parameter applies only when you use the Auto-MSET method to initialize the motor commutation for AC brushless motors that do not have Hall-effect switches.

The AutoMsetRampTime parameter specifies the quantity of time that the drive uses to ramp up from zero during the Auto-MSET method to initialize motor commutation. Refer to Automatic Motor Set (Auto-MSET) for more information.

Aerotech recommends that you keep this parameter at the default value of 2000 milliseconds. If you set this parameter to a lower value, the drive uses less time to ramp up from zero to the specified level of current. But sudden motion can occur. And the drive can use an increased quantity of time to settle at the electrical angle that you specified for the AutoMsetAngle parameter.