AutoMsetAngle Parameter

Default Value: 90

Minimum Value: 0

Maximum Value: 359

Units: degrees

Type: int

IMPORTANT: This parameter applies only when you use the Auto-MSET method to initialize the motor commutation for AC brushless motors that do not have Hall-effect switches.

The AutoMsetAngle parameter specifies the electrical angle that the drive outputs during the Auto-MSET method to initialize motor commutation. Refer to Automatic Motor Set (Auto-MSET) for more information.

Aerotech recommends that you change the value of this parameter only if the motor starts commutation from a known electrical angle and you want to control the direction of motion. If these conditions do not apply to your project settings, keep this parameter at the default value of 90°.

The specified electrical angle is the orientation to which the motor travels within an electrical cycle. But because multiple electrical cycles usually occur during one revolution of the motor, the motor might travel to a different orientation based on its initial position. For example, if four electrical cycles occur during one revolution of the motor, then there are four possible orientations to which the motor shaft can travel.