DC Brush Motor Phasing

A properly phased motor means that the positive motor lead should be connected to the ØA motor terminal and the negative motor lead should be connected to the ØC motor terminal. To determine if the motor is properly phased, connect a voltmeter to the motor leads of an un-powered motor:

  1. Connect the positive lead of the voltmeter to the one of the motor terminals.
  2. Connect the negative lead of the voltmeter to the other motor terminal.
  3. Move or rotate the motor in the positive or clockwise (CW) direction by hand.

Figure: Positive Motor Direction

  1. If the voltmeter indicates a negative value, swap the motor leads and move the motor by hand in the positive direction, again. When the voltmeter indicates a positive value, the motor leads have been identified.
  2. Connect the motor lead from the positive lead of the voltmeter to the ØA motor terminal on the drive. Connect the motor lead from the negative lead of the voltmeter to the ØC motor terminal on the drive.

For Aerotech-supplied systems, the motor, encoder and Hall sensors are correctly configured and connection adjustments are not necessary.