Electrical and Mechanical Devices
Each thing that you connect to an Automation1 system is a device. Electrical devices are the HyperWire drives that you connect to the Automation1 controller over the HyperWire motion bus.
Mechanical devices are the motors and stages that let you do motion when you connect them to the electrical devices. The combination of an electrical device and a mechanical device forms an axis.
Mechanical Device Feedback
Automation1 does not refer to inputs to the servo loop as "Position" and "Velocity". They are known as Input 0 and Input 1. The feedback parameters that follow were replaced:
- PositionFeedbackChannel
- PositionFeedbackType
- VelocityFeedbackChannel
- VelocityFeedbackType
In dual feedback or dual-loop systems, Input 0 usually refers to the “Position” feedback. See the