Hello World

This AeroScript program uses basic AeroScript functions to produce a 'Hello World' in program output.

// Hello World Example:
// Demonstrate string variables, comments, and displaying a message.

/* The fundamental string data type is used to represent a sequence of Unicode
characters. Unicode supports an extremely large set of characters that aren’t
supported in the limited set of ASCII characters, such as 安 and ☮. The value
of a string can change as the program executes, but the maximum number of
characters that a string can contain does not change because AeroScript runs
in a real-time environment where dynamic memory allocation is non-deterministic.
For this reason, you can specify a maximum capacity to any string variable. If
you do not specify a maximum capacity, a default maximum capacity will be used.


	var $message as string(32) = "Hello World! ☺"
	var $buttonSelection

	$buttonSelection = AppMessageBox("Hello", $message, ["OK", "Cancel"], MessageSeverity.Information, 1)
	AppMessageDisplay("Button selection: " + IntegerToString($buttonSelection));
