Math Functions

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Use the functions that follow to compute exponential and logarithmic values. Restricted operations, such as the square root of a negative number, cause a runtime error.

function Exp($n as real) as real

Returns the natural number e raised to the power of a number.


$n  A number.


The natural number e raised to the power $n, expressed as a floating-point number. If the result is too large to be represented as a finite floating-point number, this function causes an error.

The examples that follow show how to use the Exp() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to Euler’s number raised to the power of 5.5
// (~244.692).
$rglobal[0] = Exp(5.5)

// The line that follows generates a task error because the result is
// too large to express as a real value.
$rglobal[1] = Exp(1e308)

To calculate the value of Euler’s number, specify a value of 1 to the Exp() function. Refer to the example that follows.

// Set $rglobal[2] to Euler’s number (~2.71828).
$rglobal[2] = Exp(1)


function Sqrt($n as real) as real

Returns the square root of a number.


$n  A number that is greater than or equal to 0.


The square root of $n, expressed as a floating-point number.

The examples that follow show how to use the Sqrt() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to the square root of 1024 (32.0).
$rglobal[0] = Sqrt(1024.0)

// Set $rglobal[1] to the square root of 123 (~11.091).
$rglobal[1] = Sqrt(123)

// The line that follows generates a task error because the input value
// is not within the range of acceptable domain values.
$rglobal[2] = Sqrt(-2)


function Log($n as real) as real

Returns the natural logarithm (the logarithm to the base e) of a number.


$n  A number that is greater than 0.


The natural logarithm (the logarithm to the base e) of $n, expressed as a floating-point number.

The examples that follow show how to use the Log() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to e (~2.718).
// Set $rglobal[1] to the base-e logarithm of e (1.0).
$rglobal[0] = Exp(1)
$rglobal[1] = Log($rglobal[0])

// Set $rglobal[2] to the base-e logarithm of 123 (~4.812).
$rglobal[2] = Log(123)

// The line that follows generates a task error because the input value
// is not within the range of acceptable domain values.
$rglobal[3] = Log(-0.5)


function Log10($n as real) as real

Returns the common logarithm (the logarithm to the base 10) of a number.


$n  A number that is greater than 0.


The common logarithm (the logarithm to the base 10) of $n, expressed as a floating-point number.

The examples that follow show how to use the Log10() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to the base-10 logarithm of 100 (2.0).
$rglobal[0] = Log10(100)

// Set $rglobal[1] to the base-10 logarithm of 123 (~2.090).
$rglobal[1] = Log10(123)

// The line that follows generates a task error because the input value
// is not within the range of acceptable domain values.
$rglobal[2] = Log10(-1.23)


function Log2($n as real) as real

Returns the binary logarithm (the logarithm to the base 2) of a number.


$n  A number that is greater than 0.


The binary logarithm (the logarithm to the base 2) of $n, expressed as a floating-point number.

The examples that follow show how to use the Log2() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to the base-2 logarithm of 1024 (10.0).
$rglobal[0] = Log2(1024)

// Set $rglobal[1] to the base-2 logarithm of 123 (~6.943).
$rglobal[1] = Log2(123)

// The line that follows generates a task error because the input value
// is not within the range of acceptable domain values.
$rglobal[2] = Log2(-1.0)

Rounding and Remainder Functions

Use the functions that follow to compute rounding and remainder values.

function Abs($n as real) as real

Returns the absolute value of a number.


$n  A number.


The absolute value of $n, expressed as a floating-point number. If $n is negative, this function returns -$n. Otherwise, this function returns $n.

The examples that follow show how to use the Abs() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to the absolute value of -123 (123.0).
$rglobal[0] = Abs(-123)

// Set $rglobal[1] to the absolute value of 35.4 (35.4).
$rglobal[1] = Abs(35.4)


function Ceil($n as real) as real

Returns the nearest integer that is greater than or equal to a number.


$n  A number.


The nearest integer that is greater than or equal to $n, expressed as a floating-point number.

The examples that follow show how to use the Ceil() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to 32.001 rounded up to the nearest integer as a 
// floating-point value (33.0).
$rglobal[0] = Ceil(32.001)

// Set $rglobal[1] to -12.3 rounded up to the nearest integer as a
// floating-point value (-12.0).
$rglobal[1] = Ceil(-12.3)

// The Ceil() function produces floating-point values that are always
// integers, so they can be assigned to an integer variable.
$iglobal[0] = Ceil($rglobal[0])


function Floor($n as real) as real

Returns the nearest integer that is less than or equal to a number.


$n  A number.


The nearest integer that is less than or equal to $n, expressed as a floating-point number.

The examples that follow show how to use the Floor() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to 32.999 rounded down to the nearest integer as 
// a floating-point value (32.0).
$rglobal[0] = Floor(32.999)

// Set $rglobal[1] to -96.1 rounded down to the nearest integer as a
// floating-point value (-97.0).
$rglobal[1] = Floor(-96.1)

// The Floor() function produces floating-point values that are
// always integers, so they can be assigned to an integer variable.
$iglobal[0] = Floor($rglobal[0])


function Round($n as real) as real

Returns a number rounded to the nearest integer.


$n  A number.


The value of $n rounded to the nearest integer, expressed as a floating-point number. If $n is halfway between two integers, this function rounds $n away from 0.

The examples that follow show how to use the Round() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to 19.158 rounded to the nearest integer (19.0).
$rglobal[0] = Round(19.158)

// Set $rglobal[1] to -24.158 rounded to the nearest integer (-24.0).
$rglobal[1] = Round(-24.158)

// Set $rglobal[2] to -19.5 rounded to the nearest integer (-20.0).
$rglobal[2] = Round(-19.5)

// The Round() function produces floating-point values that are
// always integers, so they can be assigned to an integer variable.
$iglobal[0] = Round($rglobal[0])


function Trunc($n as real) as real

Returns the integer part of a number.


$n  A number.


The integer part of $n with the fractional part removed, expressed as a floating-point number with the same sign as $n.

The examples that follow show how to use the Trunc() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to 16.361 with its fractional part removed
// (16.0).
$rglobal[0] = Trunc(16.361)

// Set $rglobal[1] to -8.412 with its fractional part removed (-8.0).
$rglobal[1] = Trunc(-8.412)

// The Trunc() function produces floating-point values that are
// always integers, so they can be assigned to an integer variable.
$iglobal[0] = Trunc($rglobal[0])

To retrieve the fractional part of a number, use the Frac() function.


function Frac($n as real) as real

Returns the fractional part of a number.


$n  A number.


The fractional part of $n with the integer part removed, expressed as a floating-point number with the same sign as $n.

The examples that follow show how to use the Frac() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to the fractional portion of 10.967 (0.967).
$rglobal[0] = Frac(10.967)

// Set $rglobal[1] to the fractional portion of -24.134 (-0.134).
$rglobal[1] = Frac(-24.134)

// Set $rglobal[2] to the fractional portion of 19.000 (0.0).
$rglobal[2] = Frac(19.000

To retrieve the integer part of a number, use the Trunc() function.


Trigonometric Functions

Use the functions that follow to do trigonometric calculations. Restricted operations, such as the arc cosine of -2, cause a compiler error or runtime error.

The mathematical constant π (pi), the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, is commonly used in trigonometric functions. You can define the value of π in your program. Refer to the example that follows.

#define PI 3.14159265358979323846


function Acos($n as real) as real

Returns the arc cosine of a number.


$n  A number that is greater than or equal to -1 and less than or equal to 1.


The arc cosine of $n, expressed as a floating-point number of radians that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to π.

The examples that follow show how to use the Acos() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to the arc cosine of 1.0 (0.0).
$rglobal[0] = Acos(1.0)

// Set $rglobal[1] to the arc cosine of 0.0 (π/2 or ~1.571).
$rglobal[1] = Acos(0.0)

// The line that follows generates a task error because the input value
// is not within the range of acceptable domain values.
$rglobal[2] = Acos(2)


function Asin($n as real) as real

Returns the arc sine of a number.


$n  A number that is greater than or equal to -1 and less than or equal to 1.


The arc sine of $n, expressed as a floating-point number of radians that is greater than or equal to -π/2 and less than or equal to π/2.

The examples that follow show how to use the Asin() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to the arc sine of 1.0 (π/2 or ~1.571).
$rglobal[0] = Asin(1.0)

// Set $rglobal[1] to the arc sine of 0.0 (0.0).
$rglobal[1] = Asin(0.0)

// The line that follows generates a task error because the input value
// is not within the range of acceptable domain values.
$rglobal[2] = Asin(-2)


function Atan($n as real) as real

Returns the arc tangent of a number.


$n  A number.


The arc tangent of $n, expressed as a floating-point number of radians that is greater than or equal to -π/2 and less than or equal to π/2.

The examples that follow show how to use the Atan() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to the arc tangent of 0.0 (0.0).
$rglobal[0] = Atan(0.0)

// Set $rglobal[1] to the arc tangent of 1.0 (π/4 or ~0.785).
$rglobal[1] = Atan(1.0)


function Atan2($y as real, $x as real) as real

Returns the arc tangent of the quotient of two numbers. The signs of the two numbers are used to identify the quadrant of the return value.


$y  The y-coordinate of a point.

$x  The x-coordinate of a point.


The arc tangent of $y/$x, expressed as a floating-point number of radians that is greater than or equal to -π and less than or equal to π. If $x is 0, this function returns π/2 if $y is positive or -π/2 if $y is negative. If $x is 0 and $y is 0, this function causes an error.

The examples that follow show how to use the Atan2() function with different input values.

// Set $rglobal[0] to the arc tangent when y = 0.0 and x = 5.3 (0.0).
$rglobal[0] = Atan2(0.0, 5.3)

// Set $rglobal[1] to the arc tangent when y = 1.0 and x = 0.0 (π/2
// or ~1.571).
$rglobal[1] = Atan2(1.0, 0.0)

// Set $rglobal[2] to the arc tangent when y = 1.0 and x = 1.0 (π/4
// or ~0.785).
$rglobal[2] = Atan2(1.0, 1.0)

// Set $rglobal[3] to the arc tangent when y = -1.0 and x = 1.0 (-π/4
// or ~-0.785).
$rglobal[3] = Atan2(-1.0, 1.0)

// The line that follows generates a task error because the input value
// is not within the range of acceptable domain values.
$rglobal[4] = Atan2(0.0, 0.0)


function Cos($n as real) as real

Returns the cosine of an angle.


$n  An angle expressed in radians.


The cosine of $n, expressed as a floating-point number that is greater than or equal to -1 and less than or equal to 1.

The examples that follow show how to use the Cos() function with different input values.

// Define the mathematical constant pi.
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

// Set $rglobal[0] to the cosine of π/4 (Sqrt(2) / 2 or ~0.707).
$rglobal[0] = Cos(PI / 4)

// Set $rglobal[1] to the cosine of π (-1.0).
$rglobal[1] = Cos(PI)


function Sin($n as real) as real

Returns the sine of an angle.


$n  An angle expressed in radians.


The sine of $n, expressed as a floating-point number that is greater than or equal to -1 and less than or equal to 1.

The examples that follow show how to use the Sin() function with different input values.

// Define the mathematical constant pi.
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

// Set $rglobal[0] to the sine of π/4 (Sqrt(2) / 2 or ~0.707).
$rglobal[0] = Sin(PI / 4)

// Set $rglobal[1] to the sine of π (0.0).
$rglobal[1] = Sin(PI)


function Tan($n as real) as real

Returns the tangent of an angle.


$n  An angle expressed in radians.


The tangent of $n, expressed as a floating-point number.

The examples that follow show how to use the Tan() function with different input values.

// Define the mathematical constant pi.
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

// Set $rglobal[0] to the tangent of π/4 (1.0).
$rglobal[0] = Tan(PI / 4)

// Set $rglobal[1] to the tangent of π (0.0).
$rglobal[1] = Tan(PI)

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