AeroScript Enums
Click the enum name to see the full content.
enum AmplifierStatus
enum AmplifierStatus
Active = 1 << 0 NoMotorSupply = 1 << 2 CurrentClamp = 1 << 3 PowerLimitingA = 1 << 4 PowerLimitingB = 1 << 5 PowerLimitingC = 1 << 6 PowerLimitingAUnfiltered = 1 << 7 PowerLimitingBUnfiltered = 1 << 8 PowerLimitingCUnfiltered = 1 << 9 BusOverVoltage = 1 << 10 VoltageClamped = 1 << 11 ShuntOn = 1 << 12 end |
enum AnalogOutputAxisTrackingItem
enum AnalogOutputAxisTrackingItem
PositionCommand = 1 PositionFeedback = 2 VelocityCommand = 3 VelocityFeedback = 4 CurrentCommand = 5 CurrentFeedback = 6 AccelerationCommand = 7 PositionError = 8 PiezoVoltageCommand = 9 VectorSpeedCommand = 10 end |
enum AnalogOutputUpdateEvent
enum AnalogOutputUpdateEvent
Time = 0 PsoEvent = 1 PsoOutput = 2 end |
enum AnalogOutputVectorTrackingItem
enum AnalogOutputVectorTrackingItem
PositionCommand = 0 PositionFeedback = 1 VelocityCommand = 2 VelocityFeedback = 3 end |
enum AutofocusFocusMode
enum AutofocusFocusMode
Continuous = 0 Single = 1 end |
enum AuxiliaryFeedbackStatus
enum AuxiliaryFeedbackStatus
MarkerInput = 1 << 0 SineEncoderError = 1 << 1 CosineEncoderError = 1 << 2 MarkerLatch = 1 << 3 EncoderClipping = 1 << 4 MxQuadratureWarning = 1 << 5 MxQuadratureError = 1 << 6 DigitalCosineInput = 1 << 7 DigitalSineInput = 1 << 8 end |
enum AuxiliaryFeedbackType
enum AuxiliaryFeedbackType
None = 0 IncrementalEncoderSquareWave = 1 IncrementalEncoderSineWave = 2 AbsoluteEncoderEnDat = 4 AbsoluteEncoderSSI = 6 AbsoluteEncoderBiSS = 9 end |
enum AxisDataSignal
enum AxisDataSignal
PositionFeedback = 0 PositionCommand = 1 PositionError = 2 VelocityFeedback = 3 VelocityCommand = 4 VelocityError = 5 AccelerationCommand = 6 CurrentFeedback = 7 CurrentCommand = 8 CurrentError = 9 AnalogInput0 = 10 AnalogInput1 = 11 PositionCommandRaw = 12 VelocityCommandRaw = 13 AuxiliaryFeedback = 14 DigitalInput = 15 DigitalOutput = 16 WorkOffsetValue = 18 PhaseACurrentFeedback = 19 PhaseBCurrentFeedback = 20 EncoderSine = 21 EncoderCosine = 22 AnalogInput2 = 23 AnalogInput3 = 24 FrequencyResponseBefore = 25 FrequencyResponseAfter = 26 AnalogOutput0 = 31 AnalogOutput1 = 32 AnalogOutput2 = 33 AnalogOutput3 = 34 DriveMemoryInt32 = 35 DriveMemoryFloat = 36 DriveMemoryDouble = 37 PsoStatus = 38 DriveTimerDebug = 39 CoordinatedPositionTarget = 41 DriveStatus = 42 AxisStatus = 43 AxisFault = 44 AccelerationCommandRaw = 45 PositionCalibrationAll = 50 PositionFeedbackRollover = 63 PositionCommandRollover = 64 VelocityFeedbackAverage = 65 CurrentFeedbackAverage = 66 AxisParameter = 68 Backlash = 72 HomeState = 73 PositionCalibration2D = 74 NormalcyDebug = 75 TotalMoveTime = 76 PositionFeedbackDrive = 77 JerkCommandRaw = 78 ProgramPositionCommand = 79 PositionOffset = 80 PositionCommandRawBackwardsDiff = 82 VelocityCommandRawBackwardsDiffDelta = 83 PositionCommandDrive = 84 DriveStatusActual = 85 WorkOffsetIndex = 88 ProgramPositionFeedback = 89 JogTrajectoryStatus = 94 PingTest = 95 AccelerationTime = 109 DecelerationTime = 110 AccelerationRate = 111 DecelerationRate = 112 AccelerationType = 113 DecelerationType = 114 AccelerationMode = 115 DecelerationMode = 116 ProgramPosition = 124 DriveMemoryInt16 = 125 DriveMemoryInt8 = 126 SpeedTarget = 128 PositionCommandPacket = 131 DriveSmcMotionState = 132 PositionCommandRawCal = 140 VelocityCommandRawCal = 141 VelocityCommandDrive = 142 AccelerationCommandDrive = 143 GalvoLaserOutputRaw = 144 DriveInterfacePacketInt32 = 147 DriveInterfacePacketInt16 = 148 DriveInterfacePacketInt8 = 149 DriveInterfacePacketDouble = 150 DriveInterfacePacketFloat = 151 DriveInterfaceCommandCode = 152 AccelerationFeedback = 153 AccelerationCommandRawCal = 154 PositionCalibrationAllDrive = 155 BacklashTarget = 156 DriveMotionRate = 158 DriveMotionDelay = 159 CalibrationAdjustmentValue = 160 ServoRounding = 161 ServoLoopFeedforwardControlEffortRaw = 162 DriveInterfacePacketInfoBitValue = 164 AccelerationError = 165 SuppressedFaults = 167 DriveInterfacePacketStreamingData = 168 PositionCommandRawUnfiltered = 169 TransitionOffsetErrors = 170 PsoCounter0 = 171 PsoCounter1 = 172 PsoCounter2 = 173 PsoWindow0 = 174 PsoWindow1 = 175 DriveDataCaptureSamples = 176 PositionCommandGalvo = 178 FreezeVelocityCommand = 179 FreezeVelocityFeedback = 180 InternalPositionOffsets = 181 StatusHighLevelOffsetsLastMsec = 182 ProgramVelocityCommand = 183 ProgramVelocityFeedback = 184 DriveMotionDelayLive = 185 DriveCommunicationDelay = 186 DriveCommunicationDelayLive = 187 DriveInterfacePacketResponseInt32 = 189 DriveInterfacePacketResponseInt16 = 190 DriveInterfacePacketResponseInt8 = 191 DriveInterfacePacketResponseDouble = 192 DriveInterfacePacketResponseFloat = 193 DriveInterfacePacketBit = 194 DriveInterfacePacketResponseBit = 195 SpeedTargetActual = 196 PrimaryEnDatAbsolutePosition = 197 CoordinatedDistanceRemaining = 199 ServoLoopControlEffort = 201 PhaseAVoltageCommand = 208 PhaseBVoltageCommand = 209 PhaseCVoltageCommand = 210 AmplifierPeakCurrent = 211 FpgaVersion = 212 DriveTypeId = 213 PsoWindow0ArrayIndex = 214 PsoWindow1ArrayIndex = 215 PsoDistanceArrayIndex = 216 AmplifierTemperature = 217 PsoBitArrayIndex = 218 MxAbsolutePosition = 219 ServoUpdateRate = 220 SettlingTime = 221 InternalStatusCode = 222 FirmwareVersionMajor = 223 FirmwareVersionMinor = 224 FirmwareVersionPatch = 225 FirmwareVersionBuild = 226 DriveTimerDebugMax = 227 MarkerSearchDistance = 228 SafeZoneState = 230 PositionFeedbackGalvo = 234 PositionErrorGalvo = 235 LatchedMarkerPosition = 236 MoveReferencePosition = 237 MoveReferenceOffsetCutterRadius = 250 MoveReferenceOffsetCornerRounding = 251 MoveReferenceOffsetTotal = 252 PrimaryBissAbsolutePosition = 255 FaultPositionFeedback = 258 MotorCommutationAngle = 259 ExpansionBoardOption = 260 BusVoltage = 261 PiezoVoltageCommand = 262 PiezoVoltageFeedback = 263 DistanceLog = 264 TimeSinceReset = 273 MaximumVoltage = 274 CommandOutputType = 275 ServoLoopFeedforwardControlEffort = 290 LastTickCounter = 291 BoardRevision = 292 GalvoLaserOutput = 294 GalvoLaserOutputRawAdvance = 296 GalvoLaserOnDelay = 297 GalvoLaserOffDelay = 298 GalvoLaserPowerCorrectionOutput = 299 CapacitanceSensorRawPosition = 300 CalibrationAdjustmentState = 301 AccuracyCorrectionStartingPosition = 302 AccuracyCorrectionEndingPosition = 303 PositionCalibrationGalvo = 304 DriveCommandsDelayed = 309 DriveCommandsLost = 310 BusVoltageNegative = 325 ProcessorTemperature = 326 StoStatus = 327 InternalStatusTimestamp = 328 AnalogSensorInput = 329 MotorTemperature = 330 PrimaryBissStatus = 332 DriveAssert = 336 PsoExternalSyncFrequency = 337 EncoderSineRaw = 346 EncoderCosineRaw = 347 FpgaTemperature = 353 PrimaryEnDatStatus = 355 DriveTimerHighPriorityThread = 356 DriveTimerLowPriorityThread = 357 DriveTimerLowPriorityPacket = 358 DriveTimerServoPacket = 359 DriveTimerServoThread = 360 DriveTimerCurrentPacket = 361 DriveTimerCommonCoreThread = 362 DriveTimerServoCorePacket = 363 MultiplierOption = 365 PrimaryFeedback = 366 ServoLoopFeedbackInput0 = 367 ServoLoopFeedbackInput1 = 368 AccelerationSCurvePercentage = 371 DecelerationSCurvePercentage = 372 FaultSubcode = 376 ProcessorTemperatureMax = 378 DriveTimerHyperWireDma = 381 AmplifierTemperatureMax = 382 AuxiliaryEnDatAbsolutePosition = 383 AuxiliaryEnDatStatus = 384 AuxiliaryBissAbsolutePosition = 385 AuxiliaryBissStatus = 386 PsoOption = 387 DriveArraySize = 388 RatedMotorSupplyVoltageOption = 389 GantryMarkerDifference = 390 AbsoluteEncoderOption = 391 PrimaryFeedbackStatus = 392 AuxiliaryFeedbackStatus = 393 AmplifierStatus = 394 LatchedCwLimitPosition = 395 LatchedCcwLimitPosition = 396 GalvoLaserFpgaTransitionDelay = 397 HomeTargetPosition = 398 GantryRealignmentMoveTargetPosition = 399 GantryDriveControlRealignmentState = 400 PiezoAccumulatedCharge = 401 PiezoChargingTime = 402 PrimarySsiAbsolutePosition = 403 PrimarySsiStatus = 404 AuxiliarySsiAbsolutePosition = 405 AuxiliarySsiStatus = 406 PsoDistanceActiveDistance = 407 PsoWindow0ActiveLowerBound = 408 PsoWindow0ActiveUpperBound = 409 PsoWindow1ActiveLowerBound = 410 PsoWindow1ActiveUpperBound = 411 PsoWaveformActiveTotalTime = 412 PsoWaveformActiveOnTime = 413 PsoWaveformActivePulseCount = 414 PsoEventActiveBitValue = 415 DriveTimerDriveBasedControllerOutputDma = 419 DriveTimerPcieInboundFsm = 420 PrimaryFeedbackServo = 425 AuxiliaryFeedbackServo = 426 DriveStackUsage = 427 DriveInterfacePositionCommandPhysical = 434 DriveControlReason = 435 ShuntResistorTemperature = 436 SyncPortAPosition = 444 SyncPortBPosition = 445 HighSpeedOutputEncoderPosition = 446 AuxiliaryEncoderOutputPosition = 447 SyncPortAStatus = 448 SyncPortBStatus = 449 HighSpeedOutputEncoderStatus = 450 AuxiliaryEncoderOutputStatus = 451 DriveMemoryUInt32 = 454 DriveMemoryUInt16 = 455 DriveMemoryUInt8 = 456 CurrentLoopFeedbackControlEffort = 458 CurrentLoopFeedforwardControlEffort = 459 HighSpeedInput = 460 PositionCommandEncoder = 461 PositionFeedbackEncoder = 462 ServoLoopFeedbackControlEffort = 463 AnalogOutputHardwareStatus = 464 DigitalOutputHardwareStatus = 465 EnhancedScannerControlOption = 466 AnalogOutput4 = 467 AnalogOutput5 = 468 MoveReferenceOffsetCutterOffset = 471 end |
enum AxisFault
enum AxisFault
PositionErrorFault = 1 << 0 OverCurrentFault = 1 << 1 CwEndOfTravelLimitFault = 1 << 2 CcwEndOfTravelLimitFault = 1 << 3 CwSoftwareLimitFault = 1 << 4 CcwSoftwareLimitFault = 1 << 5 AmplifierFault = 1 << 6 FeedbackInput0Fault = 1 << 7 FeedbackInput1Fault = 1 << 8 HallSensorFault = 1 << 9 MaxVelocityCommandFault = 1 << 10 EmergencyStopFault = 1 << 11 VelocityErrorFault = 1 << 12 CommutationFault = 1 << 13 ExternalFault = 1 << 15 MotorTemperatureFault = 1 << 17 AmplifierTemperatureFault = 1 << 18 EncoderFault = 1 << 19 GantryMisalignmentFault = 1 << 22 FeedbackScalingFault = 1 << 23 MarkerSearchFault = 1 << 24 SafeZoneFault = 1 << 25 InPositionTimeoutFault = 1 << 26 VoltageClampFault = 1 << 27 MotorSupplyFault = 1 << 28 InternalFault = 1 << 30 end |
enum AxisParameter
enum AxisParameter
AxisName = 0 AxisType = 2 ReverseMotionDirection = 3 CountsPerUnit = 4 ServoLoopSetup = 5 FeedforwardGainVff = 6 FeedforwardGainAff = 7 ServoLoopGainKv = 8 ServoLoopFilter00CoeffN0 = 9 ServoLoopFilter00CoeffN1 = 10 ServoLoopFilter00CoeffN2 = 11 ServoLoopFilter00CoeffD1 = 12 ServoLoopFilter00CoeffD2 = 13 ServoLoopFilter01CoeffN0 = 14 ServoLoopFilter01CoeffN1 = 15 ServoLoopFilter01CoeffN2 = 16 ServoLoopFilter01CoeffD1 = 17 ServoLoopFilter01CoeffD2 = 18 RolloverCounts = 19 CurrentLoopGainKi = 20 CurrentLoopGainK = 21 FaultMask = 22 FaultMaskDisable = 23 FaultMaskDecel = 24 BrakeSetup = 25 FaultMaskOutput = 26 EmergencyStopFaultInput = 27 PositionErrorThreshold = 28 AverageCurrentThreshold = 29 AverageCurrentTime = 30 VelocityCommandThreshold = 31 VelocityErrorThreshold = 32 SoftwareLimitLow = 33 SoftwareLimitHigh = 34 MaxCurrentClamp = 35 InPositionDistance = 36 MotorType = 37 CommutationOffset = 40 AutoMsetTime = 41 AutoMsetCurrent = 42 PrimaryFeedbackType = 43 FeedbackInput0 = 44 AuxiliaryFeedbackType = 45 FeedbackInput1 = 46 PrimaryEncoderMultiplicationFactor = 47 PrimaryEncoder0SineGain = 48 PrimaryEncoder0SineOffset = 49 PrimaryEncoder0CosineGain = 50 PrimaryEncoder0CosineOffset = 51 PrimaryEncoder0Phase = 52 LimitDecelDistance = 53 LimitDebounceTime = 54 EndOfTravelLimitSetup = 55 BacklashDistance = 56 FaultOutputSetup = 57 FaultOutputState = 58 IOSetup = 59 BrakeOutput = 60 ExternalFaultDigitalInput = 62 BrakeDisableDelay = 63 MaxJogDistance = 64 DefaultAxisSpeed = 65 DefaultAxisRampRate = 66 AbortDecelRate = 67 HomeType = 68 HomeSetup = 69 HomeSpeed = 70 HomeOffset = 71 HomeRampRate = 72 StepperMicrostepsPerStep = 77 StepperRunningCurrent = 78 StepperHoldingCurrent = 79 LimitDebounceDistance = 81 ServoLoopFilter02CoeffN0 = 82 ServoLoopFilter02CoeffN1 = 83 ServoLoopFilter02CoeffN2 = 84 ServoLoopFilter02CoeffD1 = 85 ServoLoopFilter02CoeffD2 = 86 ServoLoopFilter03CoeffN0 = 87 ServoLoopFilter03CoeffN1 = 88 ServoLoopFilter03CoeffN2 = 89 ServoLoopFilter03CoeffD1 = 90 ServoLoopFilter03CoeffD2 = 91 MaxJogSpeed = 92 UnitsName = 95 PrimaryEnDatEncoderSetup = 97 PrimaryEnDatEncoderResolution = 98 PrimaryEnDatEncoderTurns = 99 JoystickLowSpeed = 108 JoystickHighSpeed = 109 HomePositionSet = 110 FaultMaskDisableDelay = 113 FaultAbortAxes = 121 HarmonicCancellation0Type = 122 HarmonicCancellation0Period = 123 HarmonicCancellation0Input = 124 HarmonicCancellation0Gain = 125 HarmonicCancellation1Type = 127 HarmonicCancellation1Period = 128 HarmonicCancellation1Input = 129 HarmonicCancellation1Gain = 130 HarmonicCancellation2Type = 132 HarmonicCancellation2Period = 133 HarmonicCancellation2Input = 134 HarmonicCancellation2Gain = 135 SoftwareLimitSetup = 137 PrimaryEmulatedQuadratureDivider = 138 HarmonicCancellation3Type = 139 HarmonicCancellation3Period = 140 HarmonicCancellation3Input = 141 HarmonicCancellation3Gain = 142 HarmonicCancellation4Type = 144 HarmonicCancellation4Period = 145 HarmonicCancellation4Input = 146 HarmonicCancellation4Gain = 147 EnhancedThroughputChannel = 149 EnhancedThroughputGain = 150 HarmonicCancellationSetup = 151 EnhancedThroughputCurrentClamp = 152 Analog0Filter0CoeffN0 = 153 Analog0Filter0CoeffN1 = 154 Analog0Filter0CoeffN2 = 155 Analog0Filter0CoeffD1 = 156 Analog0Filter0CoeffD2 = 157 Analog0Filter1CoeffN0 = 158 Analog0Filter1CoeffN1 = 159 Analog0Filter1CoeffN2 = 160 Analog0Filter1CoeffD1 = 161 Analog0Filter1CoeffD2 = 162 Analog1Filter0CoeffN0 = 163 Analog1Filter0CoeffN1 = 164 Analog1Filter0CoeffN2 = 165 Analog1Filter0CoeffD1 = 166 Analog1Filter0CoeffD2 = 167 Analog1Filter1CoeffN0 = 168 Analog1Filter1CoeffN1 = 169 Analog1Filter1CoeffN2 = 170 Analog1Filter1CoeffD1 = 171 Analog1Filter1CoeffD2 = 172 DefaultAxisRampMode = 176 DefaultAxisRampTime = 177 ServoLoopFilterSetup = 178 FeedbackSetup = 179 PrimaryEncoderMultiplierSetup = 180 FaultSetup = 181 ServoLoopFilter04CoeffN0 = 182 ServoLoopFilter04CoeffN1 = 183 ServoLoopFilter04CoeffN2 = 184 ServoLoopFilter04CoeffD1 = 185 ServoLoopFilter04CoeffD2 = 186 ServoLoopFilter05CoeffN0 = 187 ServoLoopFilter05CoeffN1 = 188 ServoLoopFilter05CoeffN2 = 189 ServoLoopFilter05CoeffD1 = 190 ServoLoopFilter05CoeffD2 = 191 ServoLoopFilter06CoeffN0 = 192 ServoLoopFilter06CoeffN1 = 193 ServoLoopFilter06CoeffN2 = 194 ServoLoopFilter06CoeffD1 = 195 ServoLoopFilter06CoeffD2 = 196 ServoLoopFilter07CoeffN0 = 197 ServoLoopFilter07CoeffN1 = 198 ServoLoopFilter07CoeffN2 = 199 ServoLoopFilter07CoeffD1 = 200 ServoLoopFilter07CoeffD2 = 201 RolloverMode = 203 BrakeEnableDelay = 204 MaxSpeedClamp = 205 TrajectoryFirFilter = 206 TrajectoryIirFilter = 207 CalibrationIirFilter = 208 BacklashIirFilter = 209 InPositionTime = 210 InPositionTimeoutThreshold = 211 ServoOutputScaling = 213 ExternalFaultAnalogInput = 217 ExternalFaultThreshold = 218 AnalogFilterSetup = 266 DefaultAxisRampType = 269 ServoOutputOffsetA = 270 ServoOutputOffsetB = 271 CurrentOffsetA = 276 CurrentOffsetB = 277 CommandShaperSetup = 280 CommandShaperTime00 = 281 CommandShaperTime01 = 282 CommandShaperTime02 = 283 CommandShaperTime03 = 284 CommandShaperTime04 = 285 CommandShaperTime05 = 286 CommandShaperTime06 = 287 CommandShaperTime07 = 288 CommandShaperTime08 = 289 CommandShaperTime09 = 290 CommandShaperTime10 = 291 CommandShaperTime11 = 292 CommandShaperTime12 = 293 CommandShaperTime13 = 294 CommandShaperTime14 = 295 CommandShaperTime15 = 296 CommandShaperCoeff00 = 297 CommandShaperCoeff01 = 298 CommandShaperCoeff02 = 299 CommandShaperCoeff03 = 300 CommandShaperCoeff04 = 301 CommandShaperCoeff05 = 302 CommandShaperCoeff06 = 303 CommandShaperCoeff07 = 304 CommandShaperCoeff08 = 305 CommandShaperCoeff09 = 306 CommandShaperCoeff10 = 307 CommandShaperCoeff11 = 308 CommandShaperCoeff12 = 309 CommandShaperCoeff13 = 310 CommandShaperCoeff14 = 311 CommandShaperCoeff15 = 312 CommandShaper0Type = 313 CommandShaper0Frequency = 314 CommandShaper0Damping = 315 CommandShaper1Type = 316 CommandShaper1Frequency = 317 CommandShaper1Damping = 318 PrimaryBissEncoderSetup = 319 PrimaryBissEncoderResolution = 320 AutofocusInput = 322 AutofocusTarget = 323 AutofocusDeadband = 324 AutofocusGainKi1 = 325 AutofocusGainK = 326 AutofocusLimitLow = 327 AutofocusLimitHigh = 328 AutofocusSpeedClamp = 329 AutofocusHoldInput = 330 AutofocusSetup = 331 TrajectoryDelayTime = 333 CrossAxisFeedforward00Axis = 334 CrossAxisFeedforward01Axis = 335 CrossAxisFeedforward02Axis = 336 CrossAxisFeedforward03Axis = 337 CrossAxisFeedforward04Axis = 338 CrossAxisFeedforward05Axis = 339 CrossAxisFeedforward00Gain = 340 CrossAxisFeedforward01Gain = 341 CrossAxisFeedforward02Gain = 342 CrossAxisFeedforward03Gain = 343 CrossAxisFeedforward04Gain = 344 CrossAxisFeedforward05Gain = 345 FeedforwardGainPff = 346 AutofocusInitialRampTime = 347 EndOfTravelCurrentThresholdLow = 350 EndOfTravelCurrentThresholdHigh = 351 AutofocusGainKi2 = 352 PrimaryEnDatEncoderIncrementalResolution = 353 MarkerSearchThreshold = 354 VelocityCommandThresholdBeforeHome = 362 PrimaryEncoder1SineGain = 363 PrimaryEncoder1SineOffset = 364 PrimaryEncoder1CosineGain = 365 PrimaryEncoder1CosineOffset = 366 PrimaryEncoder1Phase = 367 DriveOutputCommandDelay = 368 StepperRunningCurrentDelay = 369 PrimaryAbsoluteFeedbackOffset = 371 CapSensorFilterLength = 372 EnhancedTrackingScale = 373 EnhancedTrackingBandwidth = 374 Analog0InputOffset = 375 Analog1InputOffset = 376 Analog2InputOffset = 377 Analog3InputOffset = 378 EnhancedTrackingSetup = 379 PrimaryEncoderMarkerAlignment = 380 PrimaryEncoderRadiusThresholdLow = 381 PrimaryEncoderRadiusThresholdHigh = 382 ServoLoopGainKsi1 = 383 ServoLoopGainKsi2 = 384 PiezoVoltsPerUnit = 385 PiezoVoltageClampLow = 386 PiezoVoltageClampHigh = 387 PiezoInitialServoState = 389 FeedforwardAdvance = 390 CapSensorSetup = 392 CapSensorThresholdLow = 394 CapSensorThresholdHigh = 395 FeedforwardGainJff = 396 CurrentLoopSetup = 398 TorqueAngleOffset = 399 AuxiliaryEmulatedQuadratureDivider = 400 AuxiliaryEncoderCosineGain = 401 AuxiliaryEncoderCosineOffset = 402 AuxiliaryEncoderMarkerAlignment = 403 AuxiliaryEncoderMultiplicationFactor = 404 AuxiliaryEncoderMultiplierSetup = 405 AuxiliaryEncoderPhase = 406 AuxiliaryEncoderSineGain = 407 AuxiliaryEncoderSineOffset = 408 AuxiliaryEncoderRadiusThresholdLow = 409 AuxiliaryEncoderRadiusThresholdHigh = 410 StepperDampingGain = 413 StepperDampingCutoffFrequency = 414 ServoLoopFilter08CoeffN0 = 415 ServoLoopFilter08CoeffN1 = 416 ServoLoopFilter08CoeffN2 = 417 ServoLoopFilter08CoeffD1 = 418 ServoLoopFilter08CoeffD2 = 419 ServoLoopFilter09CoeffN0 = 420 ServoLoopFilter09CoeffN1 = 421 ServoLoopFilter09CoeffN2 = 422 ServoLoopFilter09CoeffD1 = 423 ServoLoopFilter09CoeffD2 = 424 ServoLoopFilter10CoeffN0 = 425 ServoLoopFilter10CoeffN1 = 426 ServoLoopFilter10CoeffN2 = 427 ServoLoopFilter10CoeffD1 = 428 ServoLoopFilter10CoeffD2 = 429 ServoLoopFilter11CoeffN0 = 430 ServoLoopFilter11CoeffN1 = 431 ServoLoopFilter11CoeffN2 = 432 ServoLoopFilter11CoeffD1 = 433 ServoLoopFilter11CoeffD2 = 434 ServoLoopFilter12CoeffN0 = 435 ServoLoopFilter12CoeffN1 = 436 ServoLoopFilter12CoeffN2 = 437 ServoLoopFilter12CoeffD1 = 438 ServoLoopFilter12CoeffD2 = 439 ServoLoopFilter13CoeffN0 = 440 ServoLoopFilter13CoeffN1 = 441 ServoLoopFilter13CoeffN2 = 442 ServoLoopFilter13CoeffD1 = 443 ServoLoopFilter13CoeffD2 = 444 ServoLoopFilter14CoeffN0 = 445 ServoLoopFilter14CoeffN1 = 446 ServoLoopFilter14CoeffN2 = 447 ServoLoopFilter14CoeffD1 = 448 ServoLoopFilter14CoeffD2 = 449 ServoLoopFilter15CoeffN0 = 450 ServoLoopFilter15CoeffN1 = 451 ServoLoopFilter15CoeffN2 = 452 ServoLoopFilter15CoeffD1 = 453 ServoLoopFilter15CoeffD2 = 454 AutoMsetRampTime = 455 AutoMsetAngle = 456 StoPulseFilter = 457 CommutationInitializationSetup = 458 CommutationInitializationAngle = 459 FeedforwardFilter00CoeffN0 = 460 FeedforwardFilter00CoeffN1 = 461 FeedforwardFilter00CoeffN2 = 462 FeedforwardFilter00CoeffD1 = 463 FeedforwardFilter00CoeffD2 = 464 FeedforwardFilter01CoeffN0 = 465 FeedforwardFilter01CoeffN1 = 466 FeedforwardFilter01CoeffN2 = 467 FeedforwardFilter01CoeffD1 = 468 FeedforwardFilter01CoeffD2 = 469 FeedforwardFilter02CoeffN0 = 470 FeedforwardFilter02CoeffN1 = 471 FeedforwardFilter02CoeffN2 = 472 FeedforwardFilter02CoeffD1 = 473 FeedforwardFilter02CoeffD2 = 474 FeedforwardFilter03CoeffN0 = 475 FeedforwardFilter03CoeffN1 = 476 FeedforwardFilter03CoeffN2 = 477 FeedforwardFilter03CoeffD1 = 478 FeedforwardFilter03CoeffD2 = 479 ServoLoopGainKip2 = 483 ServoLoopGainKip = 484 ServoLoopGainKpv = 485 ServoLoopGainK = 486 ServoLoopGainKiv = 487 ServoLoopGainAlpha = 488 ServoLoopGainNormalizationFactor = 489 CommutationSearchTime = 490 CommutationSearchCurrent = 491 VirtualDriveType = 494 VirtualDriveStartingAxis = 495 FeedforwardGainNormalizationFactor = 496 DefaultAxisSCurvePercentage = 497 FeedforwardFilterSetup = 499 MotorPolePitch = 500 PrimaryFeedbackResolution = 501 AuxiliaryFeedbackResolution = 502 AmplifierEnableOutputMode = 503 AuxiliaryEnDatEncoderSetup = 504 AuxiliaryEnDatEncoderResolution = 505 AuxiliaryEnDatEncoderTurns = 506 AuxiliaryBissEncoderSetup = 507 AuxiliaryBissEncoderResolution = 508 AuxiliaryAbsoluteFeedbackOffset = 510 GantryAxisMask = 511 GantryLogicalType = 512 GantryMechanicalDesign = 514 GantryMisalignmentThreshold = 515 GantryFeedbackSeparation = 516 AutofocusGainKi3 = 517 AutofocusGainKi4 = 518 AutofocusGainKi5 = 519 AutofocusEncoderScaleFactor = 520 PrimarySsiEncoderSetup = 521 PrimarySsiEncoderResolution = 522 AuxiliarySsiEncoderSetup = 523 AuxiliarySsiEncoderResolution = 524 CurrentCommandCouplingLeaderAxis = 525 GalvoScannerInterface = 526 GantryPhysicalDirection = 527 LinearAmpVoltageClamp = 528 CurrentCommandCouplingFollowerDirection = 529 ShuntNormalizedTemperatureFactor = 530 ShuntThermalTimeConstant = 531 BusOvervoltageThreshold = 532 PrimaryBissEncoderIncrementalResolution = 533 AutofocusGainTff = 534 PrimaryBissEncoderTurns = 535 AuxiliaryBissEncoderTurns = 536 FeedforwardGainSff = 537 CurrentLoopFeedforwardGainRff = 538 CurrentLoopFeedforwardGainLff = 539 CurrentLoopFeedforwardBackEmf = 540 CurrentLoopFeedforwardBusVoltage = 541 WorkpointCommandFirFilterCoeff0 = 542 WorkpointCommandFirFilterCoeffP1 = 543 WorkpointCommandFirFilterCoeffP2 = 544 WorkpointCommandFirFilterCoeffN1 = 545 WorkpointCommandFirFilterCoeffN2 = 546 MotorSupplyFaultTime = 547 FaultAnalogOutputSetup = 552 FaultAnalogOutput0Value = 553 FaultAnalogOutput1Value = 554 FaultAnalogOutput2Value = 555 FaultAnalogOutput3Value = 556 FaultAnalogOutput4Value = 557 FaultAnalogOutput5Value = 558 MotorTemperatureThreshold = 559 end |
enum AxisStatus
enum AxisStatus
Homed = 1 << 0 Profiling = 1 << 1 WaitDone = 1 << 2 CommandValid = 1 << 3 Homing = 1 << 4 Enabling = 1 << 5 JogGenerating = 1 << 7 Jogging = 1 << 8 DrivePending = 1 << 9 DriveAbortPending = 1 << 10 TrajectoryFiltering = 1 << 11 IfovEnabled = 1 << 12 NotVirtual = 1 << 13 CalibrationEnabled1D = 1 << 14 CalibrationEnabled2D = 1 << 15 CammingGearingControl = 1 << 16 JoystickControl = 1 << 17 BacklashActive = 1 << 18 GainMappingEnabled = 1 << 19 TransformationInput = 1 << 20 TransformationOutput = 1 << 21 MotionDone = 1 << 22 MotionClamped = 1 << 23 GantryAligned = 1 << 24 GantryDriveControlRealigning = 1 << 25 ThermoCompEnabled = 1 << 27 end |
enum AxisStatusItem
enum AxisStatusItem
PositionFeedback = 0 PositionCommand = 1 PositionError = 2 VelocityFeedback = 3 VelocityCommand = 4 VelocityError = 5 AccelerationCommand = 6 CurrentFeedback = 7 CurrentCommand = 8 CurrentError = 9 AnalogInput0 = 10 AnalogInput1 = 11 PositionCommandRaw = 12 VelocityCommandRaw = 13 AuxiliaryFeedback = 14 DigitalInput = 15 DigitalOutput = 16 WorkOffsetValue = 18 AnalogInput2 = 23 AnalogInput3 = 24 AnalogOutput0 = 31 AnalogOutput1 = 32 AnalogOutput2 = 33 AnalogOutput3 = 34 PsoStatus = 38 CoordinatedPositionTarget = 41 DriveStatus = 42 AxisStatus = 43 AxisFault = 44 AccelerationCommandRaw = 45 PositionCalibrationAll = 50 PositionFeedbackRollover = 63 PositionCommandRollover = 64 VelocityFeedbackAverage = 65 CurrentFeedbackAverage = 66 AxisParameter = 68 Backlash = 72 HomeState = 73 PositionCalibration2D = 74 NormalcyDebug = 75 TotalMoveTime = 76 PositionFeedbackDrive = 77 JerkCommandRaw = 78 ProgramPositionCommand = 79 PositionOffset = 80 PositionCommandRawBackwardsDiff = 82 VelocityCommandRawBackwardsDiffDelta = 83 PositionCommandDrive = 84 DriveStatusActual = 85 WorkOffsetIndex = 88 ProgramPositionFeedback = 89 JogTrajectoryStatus = 94 PingTest = 95 AccelerationTime = 109 DecelerationTime = 110 AccelerationRate = 111 DecelerationRate = 112 AccelerationType = 113 DecelerationType = 114 AccelerationMode = 115 DecelerationMode = 116 ProgramPosition = 124 SpeedTarget = 128 PositionCommandPacket = 131 DriveSmcMotionState = 132 PositionCommandRawCal = 140 VelocityCommandRawCal = 141 VelocityCommandDrive = 142 AccelerationCommandDrive = 143 GalvoLaserOutputRaw = 144 DriveInterfacePacketInt32 = 147 DriveInterfacePacketInt16 = 148 DriveInterfacePacketInt8 = 149 DriveInterfacePacketDouble = 150 DriveInterfacePacketFloat = 151 DriveInterfaceCommandCode = 152 AccelerationFeedback = 153 AccelerationCommandRawCal = 154 PositionCalibrationAllDrive = 155 BacklashTarget = 156 DriveMotionRate = 158 DriveMotionDelay = 159 CalibrationAdjustmentValue = 160 ServoLoopFeedforwardControlEffortRaw = 162 DriveInterfacePacketInfoBitValue = 164 AccelerationError = 165 SuppressedFaults = 167 DriveInterfacePacketStreamingData = 168 PositionCommandRawUnfiltered = 169 TransitionOffsetErrors = 170 FreezeVelocityCommand = 179 FreezeVelocityFeedback = 180 InternalPositionOffsets = 181 StatusHighLevelOffsetsLastMsec = 182 ProgramVelocityCommand = 183 ProgramVelocityFeedback = 184 DriveMotionDelayLive = 185 DriveCommunicationDelay = 186 DriveCommunicationDelayLive = 187 DriveInterfacePacketResponseInt32 = 189 DriveInterfacePacketResponseInt16 = 190 DriveInterfacePacketResponseInt8 = 191 DriveInterfacePacketResponseDouble = 192 DriveInterfacePacketResponseFloat = 193 DriveInterfacePacketBit = 194 DriveInterfacePacketResponseBit = 195 SpeedTargetActual = 196 CoordinatedDistanceRemaining = 199 AmplifierPeakCurrent = 211 ServoUpdateRate = 220 SafeZoneState = 230 PositionErrorGalvo = 235 MoveReferencePosition = 237 MoveReferenceOffsetCutterRadius = 250 MoveReferenceOffsetCornerRounding = 251 MoveReferenceOffsetTotal = 252 PiezoVoltageCommand = 262 PiezoVoltageFeedback = 263 DistanceLog = 264 MaximumVoltage = 274 CommandOutputType = 275 GalvoLaserOutputRawAdvance = 296 GalvoLaserOnDelay = 297 GalvoLaserOffDelay = 298 CalibrationAdjustmentState = 301 AccuracyCorrectionStartingPosition = 302 AccuracyCorrectionEndingPosition = 303 DriveCommandsDelayed = 309 DriveCommandsLost = 310 StoStatus = 327 DriveAssert = 336 PrimaryFeedback = 366 AccelerationSCurvePercentage = 371 DecelerationSCurvePercentage = 372 DriveArraySize = 388 GantryMarkerDifference = 390 PrimaryFeedbackStatus = 392 HomeTargetPosition = 398 GantryRealignmentMoveTargetPosition = 399 GantryDriveControlRealignmentState = 400 DriveInterfacePositionCommandPhysical = 434 DriveControlReason = 435 SyncPortAPosition = 444 SyncPortBPosition = 445 AnalogOutput4 = 467 AnalogOutput5 = 468 MoveReferenceOffsetCutterOffset = 471 end |
enum BissStatus
enum BissStatus
CrcError = 1 << 0 EncoderWarning = 1 << 1 EncoderError = 1 << 2 TimeoutError = 1 << 3 end |
enum CalibrationType
enum CalibrationType
AxisCalibration1D = 0 AxisCalibration2D = 1 Galvo2DAxisCalibration = 2 GalvoPowerCorrection = 3 end |
enum CammingInterpolation
enum CammingInterpolation
Linear = 0 Cubic = 1 end |
enum CammingOutput
enum CammingOutput
RelativePosition = 1 AbsolutePosition = 2 Velocity = 3 end |
enum CammingSource
enum CammingSource
PositionFeedback = 0 PositionCommand = 1 AuxiliaryFeedback = 2 SyncPortA = 3 SyncPortB = 4 end |
enum CammingUnits
enum CammingUnits
Primary = 0 Secondary = 1 Counts = 2 end |
enum CammingWrapping
enum CammingWrapping
NoWrap = 0 Wrap = 1 end |
enum DataCollectionFileType
enum DataCollectionFileType
Plt = 0 Csv = 1 Json = 2 end |
enum DataCollectionFlags
enum DataCollectionFlags
Initializing = 1 << 1 Triggered = 1 << 2 Done = 1 << 3 Overflow = 1 << 4 SampleTrigger = 1 << 5 FirstMillisecond = 1 << 6 ContinuousMode = 1 << 9 IsScopeTrigInitiated = 1 << 11 UploadingDriveBuffers = 1 << 16 end |
enum DateTimeStringFormat
enum DateTimeStringFormat
Default = 0 Iso8601Local = 1 Iso8601Utc = 2 Iso8601UtcWithOffset = 3 end |
enum DistanceUnits
enum DistanceUnits
Primary = 0 Secondary = 1 end |
enum DriveArrayType
enum DriveArrayType
AnalogOutputVoltages = 6 DataCapturePositions = 7 PsoBitmapBits = 8 PsoDistanceEventDistances = 9 PsoPulseTimes = 10 PsoPulseCounts = 11 PsoWindowRanges = 12 end |
enum DriveDataCaptureInput
enum DriveDataCaptureInput
PositionCommand = 0 PrimaryFeedback = 1 AuxiliaryFeedback = 2 AnalogInput0 = 3 AnalogInput1 = 4 AnalogInput2 = 5 AnalogInput3 = 6 PositionFeedback = 7 SyncPortA = 8 SyncPortB = 9 end |
enum DriveDataCaptureTrigger
enum DriveDataCaptureTrigger
PsoOutput = 0 PsoEvent = 1 HighSpeedInput0RisingEdge = 2 HighSpeedInput0FallingEdge = 3 HighSpeedInput1RisingEdge = 4 HighSpeedInput1FallingEdge = 5 AuxiliaryMarkerRisingEdge = 6 AuxiliaryMarkerFallingEdge = 7 end |
enum DriveEncoderChannel
enum DriveEncoderChannel
AuxiliaryEncoder = 0 SyncPortA = 1 SyncPortB = 2 HighSpeedOutputs = 3 end |
enum DriveItem
enum DriveItem
PhaseACurrentFeedback = 19 PhaseBCurrentFeedback = 20 EncoderSine = 21 EncoderCosine = 22 FrequencyResponseBefore = 25 FrequencyResponseAfter = 26 DriveMemoryInt32 = 35 DriveMemoryFloat = 36 DriveMemoryDouble = 37 DriveTimerDebug = 39 DriveMemoryInt16 = 125 DriveMemoryInt8 = 126 ServoRounding = 161 PsoCounter0 = 171 PsoCounter1 = 172 PsoCounter2 = 173 PsoWindow0 = 174 PsoWindow1 = 175 DriveDataCaptureSamples = 176 PositionCommandGalvo = 178 PrimaryEnDatAbsolutePosition = 197 ServoLoopControlEffort = 201 PhaseAVoltageCommand = 208 PhaseBVoltageCommand = 209 PhaseCVoltageCommand = 210 FpgaVersion = 212 DriveTypeId = 213 PsoWindow0ArrayIndex = 214 PsoWindow1ArrayIndex = 215 PsoDistanceArrayIndex = 216 AmplifierTemperature = 217 PsoBitArrayIndex = 218 MxAbsolutePosition = 219 SettlingTime = 221 InternalStatusCode = 222 FirmwareVersionMajor = 223 FirmwareVersionMinor = 224 FirmwareVersionPatch = 225 FirmwareVersionBuild = 226 DriveTimerDebugMax = 227 MarkerSearchDistance = 228 PositionFeedbackGalvo = 234 LatchedMarkerPosition = 236 PrimaryBissAbsolutePosition = 255 FaultPositionFeedback = 258 MotorCommutationAngle = 259 ExpansionBoardOption = 260 BusVoltage = 261 TimeSinceReset = 273 ServoLoopFeedforwardControlEffort = 290 LastTickCounter = 291 BoardRevision = 292 GalvoLaserOutput = 294 GalvoLaserPowerCorrectionOutput = 299 CapacitanceSensorRawPosition = 300 PositionCalibrationGalvo = 304 BusVoltageNegative = 325 ProcessorTemperature = 326 InternalStatusTimestamp = 328 AnalogSensorInput = 329 MotorTemperature = 330 PrimaryBissStatus = 332 PsoExternalSyncFrequency = 337 EncoderSineRaw = 346 EncoderCosineRaw = 347 FpgaTemperature = 353 PrimaryEnDatStatus = 355 DriveTimerHighPriorityThread = 356 DriveTimerLowPriorityThread = 357 DriveTimerLowPriorityPacket = 358 DriveTimerServoPacket = 359 DriveTimerServoThread = 360 DriveTimerCurrentPacket = 361 DriveTimerCommonCoreThread = 362 DriveTimerServoCorePacket = 363 MultiplierOption = 365 ServoLoopFeedbackInput0 = 367 ServoLoopFeedbackInput1 = 368 FaultSubcode = 376 ProcessorTemperatureMax = 378 DriveTimerHyperWireDma = 381 AmplifierTemperatureMax = 382 AuxiliaryEnDatAbsolutePosition = 383 AuxiliaryEnDatStatus = 384 AuxiliaryBissAbsolutePosition = 385 AuxiliaryBissStatus = 386 PsoOption = 387 RatedMotorSupplyVoltageOption = 389 AbsoluteEncoderOption = 391 AuxiliaryFeedbackStatus = 393 AmplifierStatus = 394 LatchedCwLimitPosition = 395 LatchedCcwLimitPosition = 396 GalvoLaserFpgaTransitionDelay = 397 PiezoAccumulatedCharge = 401 PiezoChargingTime = 402 PrimarySsiAbsolutePosition = 403 PrimarySsiStatus = 404 AuxiliarySsiAbsolutePosition = 405 AuxiliarySsiStatus = 406 PsoDistanceActiveDistance = 407 PsoWindow0ActiveLowerBound = 408 PsoWindow0ActiveUpperBound = 409 PsoWindow1ActiveLowerBound = 410 PsoWindow1ActiveUpperBound = 411 PsoWaveformActiveTotalTime = 412 PsoWaveformActiveOnTime = 413 PsoWaveformActivePulseCount = 414 PsoEventActiveBitValue = 415 DriveTimerDriveBasedControllerOutputDma = 419 DriveTimerPcieInboundFsm = 420 PrimaryFeedbackServo = 425 AuxiliaryFeedbackServo = 426 DriveStackUsage = 427 ShuntResistorTemperature = 436 HighSpeedOutputEncoderPosition = 446 AuxiliaryEncoderOutputPosition = 447 SyncPortAStatus = 448 SyncPortBStatus = 449 HighSpeedOutputEncoderStatus = 450 AuxiliaryEncoderOutputStatus = 451 DriveMemoryUInt32 = 454 DriveMemoryUInt16 = 455 DriveMemoryUInt8 = 456 CurrentLoopFeedbackControlEffort = 458 CurrentLoopFeedforwardControlEffort = 459 HighSpeedInput = 460 PositionCommandEncoder = 461 PositionFeedbackEncoder = 462 ServoLoopFeedbackControlEffort = 463 AnalogOutputHardwareStatus = 464 DigitalOutputHardwareStatus = 465 EnhancedScannerControlOption = 466 end |
enum DrivePulseStreamSignalMode
enum DrivePulseStreamSignalMode
Quadrature = 0 ClockDirection = 1 end |
enum DriveStatus
enum DriveStatus
Enabled = 1 << 0 CwEndOfTravelLimitInput = 1 << 1 CcwEndOfTravelLimitInput = 1 << 2 HomeLimitInput = 1 << 3 MarkerInput = 1 << 4 HallAInput = 1 << 5 HallBInput = 1 << 6 HallCInput = 1 << 7 SineEncoderError = 1 << 8 CosineEncoderError = 1 << 9 EmergencyStopInput = 1 << 10 BrakeOutput = 1 << 11 GalvoPowerCorrection = 1 << 12 AmplifierActive = 1 << 13 NoMotorSupply = 1 << 14 CurrentClamp = 1 << 15 MarkerLatch = 1 << 16 PowerLimiting = 1 << 17 GalvoCalibrationEnabled = 1 << 20 AutofocusActive = 1 << 21 ProgrammingFlash = 1 << 22 ServoControl = 1 << 24 InPosition = 1 << 25 MoveActive = 1 << 26 AccelerationPhase = 1 << 27 DecelerationPhase = 1 << 28 EncoderClipping = 1 << 29 DualLoopActive = 1 << 30 end |
enum EncoderInputChannel
enum EncoderInputChannel
PrimaryEncoder = 0 AuxiliaryEncoder = 1 SyncPortA = 2 SyncPortB = 3 PulseStream = 4 end |
enum EncoderOutputChannel
enum EncoderOutputChannel
AuxiliaryEncoder = 0 SyncPortA = 1 SyncPortB = 2 HighSpeedOutputs = 3 EncoderOutputConnector = 4 end |
enum EncoderOutputMode
enum EncoderOutputMode
Default = 0 end |
enum EnDatStatus
enum EnDatStatus
CrcError = 1 << 0 ReceiveError = 1 << 1 TimeoutError = 1 << 2 end |
enum EthercatRegisterDataType
enum EthercatRegisterDataType
Bit = 1 Float32 = 2 Float64 = 3 UInt8 = 4 UInt16 = 5 UInt32 = 6 Int8 = 8 Int16 = 9 Int32 = 10 end |
enum EtherNetIpRegisterDataType
enum EtherNetIpRegisterDataType
Bit = 1 Float32 = 2 Float64 = 3 UInt8 = 4 UInt16 = 5 UInt32 = 6 Int8 = 8 Int16 = 9 Int32 = 10 end |
enum FeedbackInput0
enum FeedbackInput0
PositionCommand = 0 PrimaryFeedback = 1 AuxiliaryFeedback = 2 AnalogInput0 = 3 AnalogInput1 = 4 AnalogInput2 = 5 AnalogInput3 = 6 end |
enum FeedbackInput1
enum FeedbackInput1
PositionCommand = 0 PrimaryFeedback = 1 AuxiliaryFeedback = 2 AnalogInput0 = 3 AnalogInput1 = 4 AnalogInput2 = 5 AnalogInput3 = 6 end |
enum FeedforwardGain
enum FeedforwardGain
GainAff = 0 GainVff = 1 GainJff = 2 GainPff = 3 GainSff = 4 end |
enum FileMode
enum FileMode
Overwrite = 0 Read = 1 Append = 2 end |
enum FrequencyResponseFileType
enum FrequencyResponseFileType
Fr = 0 Csv = 1 Json = 2 end |
enum GalvoLaser
enum GalvoLaser
Off = 0 On = 1 Auto = 2 end |
enum GalvoWobbleMode
enum GalvoWobbleMode
TimeBased = 0 DistanceBased = 1 end |
enum GalvoWobbleType
enum GalvoWobbleType
Ellipse = 0 Figure8Parallel = 1 Figure8Perpendicular = 2 end |
enum GearingFilter
enum GearingFilter
None = 1 Filtered = 2 end |
enum GearingSource
enum GearingSource
PositionFeedback = 0 PositionCommand = 1 AuxiliaryFeedback = 2 SyncPortA = 3 SyncPortB = 4 end |
enum HomeType
enum HomeType
PastLimittoMarker = 0 ToLimitandReversetoMarker = 1 ToMarkerOnly = 2 ToLimitOnly = 3 AtCurrentPosition = 4 AtCurrentPositionFeedback = 5 AtCurrentPositionAbsolute = 6 end |
enum HostAddressType
enum HostAddressType
Any = 0 IPv4 = 1 IPv6 = 2 end |
enum IndicatorAnimationType
enum IndicatorAnimationType
Solid = 0 Flash = 1 TwoColorFlash = 2 ColorSweep = 3 end |
enum JoystickInput
enum JoystickInput
Input0 = 0 Input1 = 1 Input2 = 2 end |
enum LampColor
enum LampColor
Gray = 11910083 Black = 2301728 Red = 14360853 Orange = 15698722 Blue = 33470 Magenta = 14498708 Green = 1678921 Yellow = 16767488 Cyan = 65535 White = 16777215 Purple = 8006281 Brown = 7687208 end |
enum MessageLogSeverity
enum MessageLogSeverity
Debug = 0 Information = 1 Warning = 2 Error = 3 end |
enum MessageSeverity
enum MessageSeverity
Information = 1 Warning = 2 Error = 3 end |
enum ModbusRegisterDataType
enum ModbusRegisterDataType
Bit = 1 Float32 = 2 Float64 = 3 UInt8 = 4 UInt16 = 5 UInt32 = 6 Int8 = 8 Int16 = 9 Int32 = 10 end |
enum MotorType
enum MotorType
ACBrushlessLinear = 0 ACBrushlessRotary = 1 DCBrush = 2 StepperMotor = 3 ThreePhaseStepper = 4 TwoPhaseACBrushless = 6 PiezoActuator = 8 Galvo = 9 end |
enum NormalcyAlignment
enum NormalcyAlignment
Left = 0 Right = 1 Relative = 2 end |
enum NumberBase
enum NumberBase
Decimal = 0 Binary = 1 Octal = 2 Hexadecimal = 3 end |
enum PiezoDefaultServoState
enum PiezoDefaultServoState
Off = 0 On = 1 end |
enum PrimaryFeedbackStatus
enum PrimaryFeedbackStatus
CwEndOfTravelLimitInput = 1 << 0 CcwEndOfTravelLimitInput = 1 << 1 HomeLimitInput = 1 << 2 MarkerInput = 1 << 3 SineEncoderError = 1 << 4 CosineEncoderError = 1 << 5 MarkerLatch = 1 << 6 EncoderClipping = 1 << 7 HallAInput = 1 << 8 HallBInput = 1 << 9 HallCInput = 1 << 10 RawCwEndOfTravelLimitInput = 1 << 11 RawCcwEndOfTravelLimitInput = 1 << 12 RawHomeLimitInput = 1 << 13 MxQuadratureWarning = 1 << 14 MxQuadratureError = 1 << 15 DigitalCosineInput0 = 1 << 16 DigitalSineInput0 = 1 << 17 DigitalCosineInput1 = 1 << 18 DigitalSineInput1 = 1 << 19 end |
enum PrimaryFeedbackType
enum PrimaryFeedbackType
None = 0 IncrementalEncoderSquareWave = 1 IncrementalEncoderSineWave = 2 AbsoluteEncoderEnDatwithSineWaveIncremental = 3 AbsoluteEncoderEnDat = 4 HallEffectSwitches = 5 AbsoluteEncoderSSI = 6 AbsoluteEncoderBiSS = 9 AbsoluteEncoderBiSSwithSineWaveIncremental = 10 CapacitanceSensor = 11 end |
enum PsoDistanceAllowedEventDirection
enum PsoDistanceAllowedEventDirection
Both = 0 Positive = 1 Negative = 2 end |
enum PsoDistanceCounterResetMask
enum PsoDistanceCounterResetMask
ResetUntilMarker = 1 ResetOnMarker = 2 ResetOutsideWindow = 4 ResetWhenLaserOff = 8 ResetWhenOutputOff = 16 end |
enum PsoDistanceInput
enum PsoDistanceInput
GL4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1Encoder0 = 100 GL4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2Encoder0 = 101 GL4IfovFeedbackAxis1 = 102 GL4IfovFeedbackAxis2 = 103 GL4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 104 GL4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 105 GL4SyncPortA = 106 GL4SyncPortB = 107 GL4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 108 GL4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 109 XL4sPrimaryFeedback = 110 XL4sAuxiliaryFeedback = 111 XL4sSyncPortA = 112 XL4sSyncPortB = 113 XL4sDrivePulseStream = 114 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 115 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 116 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 117 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 118 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis5 = 119 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis6 = 120 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 121 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 122 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 123 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 124 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis5 = 125 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis6 = 126 XR3SyncPortA = 127 XR3SyncPortB = 128 XR3DrivePulseStream = 129 XC4PrimaryFeedback = 130 XC4AuxiliaryFeedback = 131 XC4SyncPortA = 132 XC4SyncPortB = 133 XC4DrivePulseStream = 134 XC4ePrimaryFeedback = 135 XC4eAuxiliaryFeedback = 136 XC4eSyncPortA = 137 XC4eSyncPortB = 138 XC4eDrivePulseStream = 139 XC6ePrimaryFeedback = 140 XC6eAuxiliaryFeedback = 141 XC6eSyncPortA = 142 XC6eSyncPortB = 143 XC6eDrivePulseStream = 144 XL5ePrimaryFeedback = 145 XL5eAuxiliaryFeedback = 146 XL5eSyncPortA = 147 XL5eSyncPortB = 148 XL5eDrivePulseStream = 149 XC2PrimaryFeedback = 150 XC2AuxiliaryFeedback = 151 XC2DrivePulseStream = 152 XC2ePrimaryFeedback = 153 XC2eAuxiliaryFeedback = 154 XC2eDrivePulseStream = 155 XL2ePrimaryFeedback = 156 XL2eAuxiliaryFeedback = 157 XL2eSyncPortA = 158 XL2eSyncPortB = 159 XL2eDrivePulseStream = 160 XI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 161 XI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 162 XI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 163 XI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 164 XI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 165 XI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 166 XI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 167 XI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 168 XI4SyncPortA = 169 XI4SyncPortB = 170 XI4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 171 XI4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 172 XI4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 173 XI4DrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 174 iXC4PrimaryFeedback = 175 iXC4AuxiliaryFeedback = 176 iXC4SyncPortA = 177 iXC4SyncPortB = 178 iXC4DrivePulseStream = 179 iXC4ePrimaryFeedback = 180 iXC4eAuxiliaryFeedback = 181 iXC4eSyncPortA = 182 iXC4eSyncPortB = 183 iXC4eDrivePulseStream = 184 iXC6ePrimaryFeedback = 185 iXC6eAuxiliaryFeedback = 186 iXC6eSyncPortA = 187 iXC6eSyncPortB = 188 iXC6eDrivePulseStream = 189 iXL5ePrimaryFeedback = 190 iXL5eAuxiliaryFeedback = 191 iXL5eSyncPortA = 192 iXL5eSyncPortB = 193 iXL5eDrivePulseStream = 194 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 195 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 196 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 197 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 198 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis5 = 199 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis6 = 200 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 201 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 202 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 203 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 204 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis5 = 205 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis6 = 206 iXR3SyncPortA = 207 iXR3SyncPortB = 208 iXR3DrivePulseStream = 209 GI4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 210 GI4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 211 GI4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 212 iXC2PrimaryFeedback = 213 iXC2AuxiliaryFeedback = 214 iXC2DrivePulseStream = 215 iXC2ePrimaryFeedback = 216 iXC2eAuxiliaryFeedback = 217 iXC2eDrivePulseStream = 218 iXL2ePrimaryFeedback = 219 iXL2eAuxiliaryFeedback = 220 iXL2eSyncPortA = 221 iXL2eSyncPortB = 222 iXL2eDrivePulseStream = 223 iXI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 224 iXI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 225 iXI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 226 iXI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 227 iXI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 228 iXI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 229 iXI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 230 iXI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 231 iXI4SyncPortA = 232 iXI4SyncPortB = 233 iXI4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 234 iXI4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 235 iXI4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 236 iXI4DrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 237 FLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 238 FLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 239 FLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 240 FLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 241 FLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 242 FLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 243 FLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 244 FLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 245 FLEXSyncPortA = 246 FLEXSyncPortB = 247 FLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 248 FLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 249 FLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 250 FLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 251 iFLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 252 iFLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 253 iFLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 254 iFLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 255 iFLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 256 iFLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 257 iFLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 258 iFLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 259 iFLEXSyncPortA = 260 iFLEXSyncPortB = 261 iFLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 262 iFLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 263 iFLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 264 iFLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 265 XA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 266 XA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 267 XA4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 268 XA4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 269 iXA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 270 iXA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 271 iXA4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 272 iXA4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 273 XA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 274 XA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 275 XA4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 276 XA4DrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 277 iXA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 278 iXA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 279 iXA4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 280 iXA4DrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 281 XA4SyncPortA = 282 XA4SyncPortB = 283 iXA4SyncPortA = 284 iXA4SyncPortB = 285 XA4AuxiliaryFeedback = 286 iXA4AuxiliaryFeedback = 287 PsoTransformationChannel0Output = 288 PsoTransformationChannel1Output = 289 PsoTransformationChannel2Output = 290 PsoTransformationChannel3Output = 291 GL4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1Encoder1 = 292 GL4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2Encoder1 = 293 end |
enum PsoEventMask
enum PsoEventMask
WindowMask = 1 WindowMaskInvert = 2 LaserMask = 4 BitMask = 8 end |
enum PsoOutputPin
enum PsoOutputPin
GL4None = 100 GL4LaserOutput0 = 101 XL4sNone = 102 XL4sLaserOutput0 = 103 XR3None = 104 XR3PsoOutput1 = 105 XR3PsoOutput2 = 106 XR3PsoOutput3 = 107 XC4DedicatedOutput = 108 XC4AuxiliaryMarkerDifferential = 109 XC4AuxiliaryMarkerSingleEnded = 110 XC4eDedicatedOutput = 111 XC4eAuxiliaryMarkerDifferential = 112 XC4eAuxiliaryMarkerSingleEnded = 113 XC6eDedicatedOutput = 114 XC6eAuxiliaryMarkerDifferential = 115 XC6eAuxiliaryMarkerSingleEnded = 116 XL5eDedicatedOutput = 117 XL5eAuxiliaryMarkerDifferential = 118 XL5eAuxiliaryMarkerSingleEnded = 119 XC2DedicatedOutput = 120 XC2eDedicatedOutput = 121 XL2eDedicatedOutput = 122 XI4DedicatedOutput = 123 iXC4DedicatedOutput = 124 iXC4AuxiliaryMarkerDifferential = 125 iXC4AuxiliaryMarkerSingleEnded = 126 iXC4eDedicatedOutput = 127 iXC4eAuxiliaryMarkerDifferential = 128 iXC4eAuxiliaryMarkerSingleEnded = 129 iXC6eDedicatedOutput = 130 iXC6eAuxiliaryMarkerDifferential = 131 iXC6eAuxiliaryMarkerSingleEnded = 132 iXL5eDedicatedOutput = 133 iXL5eAuxiliaryMarkerDifferential = 134 iXL5eAuxiliaryMarkerSingleEnded = 135 iXR3None = 136 iXR3PsoOutput1 = 137 iXR3PsoOutput2 = 138 iXR3PsoOutput3 = 139 GI4None = 140 GI4LaserOutput0 = 141 iXC2DedicatedOutput = 142 iXC2eDedicatedOutput = 143 iXL2eDedicatedOutput = 144 iXI4DedicatedOutput = 145 FLEXDedicatedOutput = 146 iFLEXDedicatedOutput = 147 XA4DedicatedOutput = 148 iXA4DedicatedOutput = 149 end |
enum PsoOutputSource
enum PsoOutputSource
Waveform = 1 WindowOutput = 2 WindowOutputInvert = 3 Bitmap = 4 DataCollectionSyncPulse = 5 end |
enum PsoStatus
enum PsoStatus
WaveformActive = 1 << 4 BitOutputActive = 1 << 5 Window1OutputActive = 1 << 6 Window2OutputActive = 1 << 7 OutputActive = 1 << 10 ExternalSyncInput = 1 << 11 DistanceArrayDepleted = 1 << 12 Window1ArrayDepleted = 1 << 13 Window2ArrayDepleted = 1 << 14 BitArrayDepleted = 1 << 15 WaveformArrayDepleted = 1 << 16 end |
enum PsoTransformationFunction
enum PsoTransformationFunction
None = 0 Average = 1 Sum = 2 Difference = 3 end |
enum PsoTransformationInput
enum PsoTransformationInput
GL4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1Encoder0 = 100 GL4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2Encoder0 = 101 GL4IfovFeedbackAxis1 = 102 GL4IfovFeedbackAxis2 = 103 GL4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 104 GL4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 105 GL4SyncPortA = 106 GL4SyncPortB = 107 GL4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 108 GL4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 109 XL4sPrimaryFeedback = 110 XL4sAuxiliaryFeedback = 111 XL4sSyncPortA = 112 XL4sSyncPortB = 113 XL4sDrivePulseStream = 114 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 115 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 116 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 117 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 118 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis5 = 119 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis6 = 120 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 121 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 122 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 123 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 124 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis5 = 125 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis6 = 126 XR3SyncPortA = 127 XR3SyncPortB = 128 XR3DrivePulseStream = 129 XC4PrimaryFeedback = 130 XC4AuxiliaryFeedback = 131 XC4SyncPortA = 132 XC4SyncPortB = 133 XC4DrivePulseStream = 134 XC4ePrimaryFeedback = 135 XC4eAuxiliaryFeedback = 136 XC4eSyncPortA = 137 XC4eSyncPortB = 138 XC4eDrivePulseStream = 139 XC6ePrimaryFeedback = 140 XC6eAuxiliaryFeedback = 141 XC6eSyncPortA = 142 XC6eSyncPortB = 143 XC6eDrivePulseStream = 144 XL5ePrimaryFeedback = 145 XL5eAuxiliaryFeedback = 146 XL5eSyncPortA = 147 XL5eSyncPortB = 148 XL5eDrivePulseStream = 149 XC2PrimaryFeedback = 150 XC2AuxiliaryFeedback = 151 XC2DrivePulseStream = 152 XC2ePrimaryFeedback = 153 XC2eAuxiliaryFeedback = 154 XC2eDrivePulseStream = 155 XL2ePrimaryFeedback = 156 XL2eAuxiliaryFeedback = 157 XL2eSyncPortA = 158 XL2eSyncPortB = 159 XL2eDrivePulseStream = 160 XI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 161 XI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 162 XI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 163 XI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 164 XI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 165 XI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 166 XI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 167 XI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 168 XI4SyncPortA = 169 XI4SyncPortB = 170 XI4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 171 XI4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 172 XI4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 173 XI4DrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 174 iXC4PrimaryFeedback = 175 iXC4AuxiliaryFeedback = 176 iXC4SyncPortA = 177 iXC4SyncPortB = 178 iXC4DrivePulseStream = 179 iXC4ePrimaryFeedback = 180 iXC4eAuxiliaryFeedback = 181 iXC4eSyncPortA = 182 iXC4eSyncPortB = 183 iXC4eDrivePulseStream = 184 iXC6ePrimaryFeedback = 185 iXC6eAuxiliaryFeedback = 186 iXC6eSyncPortA = 187 iXC6eSyncPortB = 188 iXC6eDrivePulseStream = 189 iXL5ePrimaryFeedback = 190 iXL5eAuxiliaryFeedback = 191 iXL5eSyncPortA = 192 iXL5eSyncPortB = 193 iXL5eDrivePulseStream = 194 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 195 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 196 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 197 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 198 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis5 = 199 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis6 = 200 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 201 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 202 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 203 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 204 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis5 = 205 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis6 = 206 iXR3SyncPortA = 207 iXR3SyncPortB = 208 iXR3DrivePulseStream = 209 GI4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 210 GI4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 211 GI4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 212 iXC2PrimaryFeedback = 213 iXC2AuxiliaryFeedback = 214 iXC2DrivePulseStream = 215 iXC2ePrimaryFeedback = 216 iXC2eAuxiliaryFeedback = 217 iXC2eDrivePulseStream = 218 iXL2ePrimaryFeedback = 219 iXL2eAuxiliaryFeedback = 220 iXL2eSyncPortA = 221 iXL2eSyncPortB = 222 iXL2eDrivePulseStream = 223 iXI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 224 iXI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 225 iXI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 226 iXI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 227 iXI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 228 iXI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 229 iXI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 230 iXI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 231 iXI4SyncPortA = 232 iXI4SyncPortB = 233 iXI4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 234 iXI4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 235 iXI4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 236 iXI4DrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 237 FLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 238 FLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 239 FLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 240 FLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 241 FLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 242 FLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 243 FLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 244 FLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 245 FLEXSyncPortA = 246 FLEXSyncPortB = 247 FLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 248 FLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 249 FLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 250 FLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 251 iFLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 252 iFLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 253 iFLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 254 iFLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 255 iFLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 256 iFLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 257 iFLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 258 iFLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 259 iFLEXSyncPortA = 260 iFLEXSyncPortB = 261 iFLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 262 iFLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 263 iFLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 264 iFLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 265 XA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 266 XA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 267 XA4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 268 XA4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 269 iXA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 270 iXA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 271 iXA4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 272 iXA4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 273 XA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 274 XA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 275 XA4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 276 XA4DrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 277 iXA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 278 iXA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 279 iXA4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 280 iXA4DrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 281 XA4SyncPortA = 282 XA4SyncPortB = 283 iXA4SyncPortA = 284 iXA4SyncPortB = 285 XA4AuxiliaryFeedback = 286 iXA4AuxiliaryFeedback = 287 PsoTransformationChannel0Output = 288 PsoTransformationChannel1Output = 289 PsoTransformationChannel2Output = 290 PsoTransformationChannel3Output = 291 GL4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1Encoder1 = 292 GL4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2Encoder1 = 293 end |
enum PsoWaveformExternalSyncDelayMode
enum PsoWaveformExternalSyncDelayMode
AfterExternalSync = 0 BeforeExternalSync = 1 end |
enum PsoWaveformMode
enum PsoWaveformMode
Pulse = 0 Pwm = 1 Toggle = 2 end |
enum PsoWaveformPulseMask
enum PsoWaveformPulseMask
WindowMask = 1 WindowMaskInvert = 2 LaserMask = 4 end |
enum PsoWaveformScalingInput
enum PsoWaveformScalingInput
DrivePulseStreamVelocity = 0 AnalogInput0 = 1 AnalogInput1 = 2 AnalogInput2 = 3 AnalogInput3 = 4 end |
enum PsoWaveformScalingMode
enum PsoWaveformScalingMode
ScaleTotalTimeAndOnTime = 0 ScaleOnTimeOnly = 1 ScaleTotalTimeOnly = 2 end |
enum PsoWindowCounterResetMask
enum PsoWindowCounterResetMask
ResetUntilMarker = 1 ResetOnMarker = 2 end |
enum PsoWindowEventMode
enum PsoWindowEventMode
None = 0 Enter = 1 Exit = 2 Both = 3 end |
enum PsoWindowInput
enum PsoWindowInput
GL4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1Encoder0 = 100 GL4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2Encoder0 = 101 GL4IfovFeedbackAxis1 = 102 GL4IfovFeedbackAxis2 = 103 GL4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 104 GL4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 105 GL4SyncPortA = 106 GL4SyncPortB = 107 GL4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 108 GL4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 109 XL4sPrimaryFeedback = 110 XL4sAuxiliaryFeedback = 111 XL4sSyncPortA = 112 XL4sSyncPortB = 113 XL4sDrivePulseStream = 114 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 115 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 116 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 117 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 118 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis5 = 119 XR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis6 = 120 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 121 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 122 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 123 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 124 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis5 = 125 XR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis6 = 126 XR3SyncPortA = 127 XR3SyncPortB = 128 XR3DrivePulseStream = 129 XC4PrimaryFeedback = 130 XC4AuxiliaryFeedback = 131 XC4SyncPortA = 132 XC4SyncPortB = 133 XC4DrivePulseStream = 134 XC4ePrimaryFeedback = 135 XC4eAuxiliaryFeedback = 136 XC4eSyncPortA = 137 XC4eSyncPortB = 138 XC4eDrivePulseStream = 139 XC6ePrimaryFeedback = 140 XC6eAuxiliaryFeedback = 141 XC6eSyncPortA = 142 XC6eSyncPortB = 143 XC6eDrivePulseStream = 144 XL5ePrimaryFeedback = 145 XL5eAuxiliaryFeedback = 146 XL5eSyncPortA = 147 XL5eSyncPortB = 148 XL5eDrivePulseStream = 149 XC2PrimaryFeedback = 150 XC2AuxiliaryFeedback = 151 XC2DrivePulseStream = 152 XC2ePrimaryFeedback = 153 XC2eAuxiliaryFeedback = 154 XC2eDrivePulseStream = 155 XL2ePrimaryFeedback = 156 XL2eAuxiliaryFeedback = 157 XL2eSyncPortA = 158 XL2eSyncPortB = 159 XL2eDrivePulseStream = 160 XI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 161 XI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 162 XI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 163 XI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 164 XI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 165 XI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 166 XI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 167 XI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 168 XI4SyncPortA = 169 XI4SyncPortB = 170 XI4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 171 XI4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 172 XI4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 173 XI4DrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 174 iXC4PrimaryFeedback = 175 iXC4AuxiliaryFeedback = 176 iXC4SyncPortA = 177 iXC4SyncPortB = 178 iXC4DrivePulseStream = 179 iXC4ePrimaryFeedback = 180 iXC4eAuxiliaryFeedback = 181 iXC4eSyncPortA = 182 iXC4eSyncPortB = 183 iXC4eDrivePulseStream = 184 iXC6ePrimaryFeedback = 185 iXC6eAuxiliaryFeedback = 186 iXC6eSyncPortA = 187 iXC6eSyncPortB = 188 iXC6eDrivePulseStream = 189 iXL5ePrimaryFeedback = 190 iXL5eAuxiliaryFeedback = 191 iXL5eSyncPortA = 192 iXL5eSyncPortB = 193 iXL5eDrivePulseStream = 194 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 195 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 196 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 197 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 198 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis5 = 199 iXR3PrimaryFeedbackAxis6 = 200 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 201 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 202 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 203 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 204 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis5 = 205 iXR3AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis6 = 206 iXR3SyncPortA = 207 iXR3SyncPortB = 208 iXR3DrivePulseStream = 209 GI4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 210 GI4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 211 GI4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 212 iXC2PrimaryFeedback = 213 iXC2AuxiliaryFeedback = 214 iXC2DrivePulseStream = 215 iXC2ePrimaryFeedback = 216 iXC2eAuxiliaryFeedback = 217 iXC2eDrivePulseStream = 218 iXL2ePrimaryFeedback = 219 iXL2eAuxiliaryFeedback = 220 iXL2eSyncPortA = 221 iXL2eSyncPortB = 222 iXL2eDrivePulseStream = 223 iXI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 224 iXI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 225 iXI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 226 iXI4PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 227 iXI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 228 iXI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 229 iXI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 230 iXI4AuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 231 iXI4SyncPortA = 232 iXI4SyncPortB = 233 iXI4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 234 iXI4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 235 iXI4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 236 iXI4DrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 237 FLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 238 FLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 239 FLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 240 FLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 241 FLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 242 FLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 243 FLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 244 FLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 245 FLEXSyncPortA = 246 FLEXSyncPortB = 247 FLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 248 FLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 249 FLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 250 FLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 251 iFLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 252 iFLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 253 iFLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 254 iFLEXPrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 255 iFLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis1 = 256 iFLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis2 = 257 iFLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis3 = 258 iFLEXAuxiliaryFeedbackAxis4 = 259 iFLEXSyncPortA = 260 iFLEXSyncPortB = 261 iFLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 262 iFLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 263 iFLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 264 iFLEXDrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 265 XA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 266 XA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 267 XA4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 268 XA4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 269 iXA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1 = 270 iXA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2 = 271 iXA4DrivePulseStreamAxis1 = 272 iXA4DrivePulseStreamAxis2 = 273 XA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 274 XA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 275 XA4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 276 XA4DrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 277 iXA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis3 = 278 iXA4PrimaryFeedbackAxis4 = 279 iXA4DrivePulseStreamAxis3 = 280 iXA4DrivePulseStreamAxis4 = 281 XA4SyncPortA = 282 XA4SyncPortB = 283 iXA4SyncPortA = 284 iXA4SyncPortB = 285 XA4AuxiliaryFeedback = 286 iXA4AuxiliaryFeedback = 287 PsoTransformationChannel0Output = 288 PsoTransformationChannel1Output = 289 PsoTransformationChannel2Output = 290 PsoTransformationChannel3Output = 291 GL4PrimaryFeedbackAxis1Encoder1 = 292 GL4PrimaryFeedbackAxis2Encoder1 = 293 end |
enum PsoWindowUpdateDirection
enum PsoWindowUpdateDirection
Both = 0 Positive = 1 Negative = 2 end |
enum RampMode
enum RampMode
Rate = 0 Time = 1 end |
enum RampType
enum RampType
Linear = 0 SCurve = 1 Sine = 2 end |
enum RealDisplayFormat
enum RealDisplayFormat
Decimal = 0 Scientific = 1 Compact = 2 end |
enum ReturnType
enum ReturnType
Interrupt = 1 Offset = 2 end |
enum SafeZoneType
enum SafeZoneType
NoEnter = 0 NoExit = 1 NoEnterAxisFault = 2 NoExitAxisFault = 3 end |
enum ServoLoopGain
enum ServoLoopGain
GainK = 0 GainKiv = 1 GainKip = 2 GainKv = 3 GainKpv = 4 GainKip2 = 5 GainKsi1 = 6 GainKsi2 = 7 GainAlpha = 8 end |
enum SocketByteOrder
enum SocketByteOrder
LittleEndian = 0 BigEndian = 1 end |
enum SsiStatus
enum SsiStatus
TimeoutError = 1 << 0 ParityError = 1 << 1 end |
enum StoStatus
enum StoStatus
Sto1Activated = 1 << 0 Sto1Event = 1 << 1 Sto2Activated = 1 << 2 Sto2Event = 1 << 3 StoCrossCheckFault = 1 << 4 end |
enum SystemDataSignal
enum SystemDataSignal
VirtualBinaryInput = 46 VirtualBinaryOutput = 47 VirtualRegisterInput = 48 VirtualRegisterOutput = 49 Timer = 51 TimerPerformance = 52 GlobalReal = 67 CommunicationRealTimeErrors = 81 LibraryCommand = 119 DataCollectionSampleTime = 120 DataCollectionSampleIndex = 129 ModbusClientConnected = 134 ModbusServerConnected = 135 ModbusClientError = 136 ModbusServerError = 137 StopWatchTimer = 157 ScopetrigId = 163 EstimatedProcessorUsage = 177 DataCollectionStatus = 188 SignalLogState = 198 SafeZoneViolationMask = 207 SafeZoneActiveMask = 229 ModbusClientInputWords = 240 ModbusClientOutputWords = 241 ModbusClientInputBits = 242 ModbusClientOutputBits = 243 ModbusClientOutputBitsStatus = 244 ModbusClientOutputWordsStatus = 245 ModbusServerInputWords = 246 ModbusServerOutputWords = 247 ModbusServerInputBits = 248 ModbusServerOutputBits = 249 SystemParameter = 265 ThermoCompSensorTemperature = 305 ThermoCompControllingTemperature = 306 ThermoCompCompensatingTemperature = 307 ThermoCompStatus = 308 GlobalInteger = 345 AliveAxesMask = 348 SignalLogPointsStored = 377 ControllerInitializationWarning = 379 StopWatchTimerMin = 416 StopWatchTimerMax = 417 StopWatchTimerAvg = 418 EthercatEnabled = 428 EthercatError = 429 EthercatTxPdo = 430 EthercatTxPdoSize = 431 EthercatRxPdo = 432 EthercatRxPdoSize = 433 EthercatState = 437 ModbusClientEnabled = 438 ModbusServerEnabled = 439 HyperWireExternalSynchronizationActive = 440 HyperWireExternalSynchronizationFrequency = 441 HyperWireExternalSynchronizationLagging = 442 HyperWireExternalSynchronizationAdjustmentNanoseconds = 443 CallbackSlotProcessingState = 453 ControllerAssertCount = 457 VirtualBinaryInputBit = 472 VirtualBinaryOutputBit = 473 EtherNetIpAdapterEnabled = 474 EtherNetIpAdapterConnected = 475 EtherNetIpAdapterError = 476 EtherNetIpAdapterInputIntegerSize = 477 EtherNetIpAdapterInputFloatSize = 478 EtherNetIpAdapterOutputIntegerSize = 479 EtherNetIpAdapterOutputFloatSize = 480 end |
enum SystemParameter
enum SystemParameter
DataCollectionPoints = 75 DataCollectionItems = 76 GlobalReals = 93 AsciiInterfacePort = 96 AsciiInterfaceSetup = 100 RequiredAxes = 101 AsciiInterfaceTerminatingCharacter = 117 AsciiInterfaceSuccessCharacter = 118 AsciiInterfaceInvalidCharacter = 119 AsciiInterfaceFaultCharacter = 120 GlobalStrings = 173 DependentSpeedScaleFactor = 214 SecondaryUnitsScaleFactor = 263 PrimaryUnitsMapping = 264 SecondaryUnitsName = 265 EnabledTasks = 278 FaultAckMoveOutOfLimit = 279 SoftwareExternalFaultInput = 348 SignalLogSetup = 355 SignalLogAxes = 356 SignalLogTasks = 357 SignalLogFaultMaskTrigger = 358 SignalLogSamplePeriod = 359 SignalLogPointsBeforeTrigger = 360 SignalLogPointsAfterTrigger = 361 IfovConfigurations = 391 IfovMaximumTime = 393 SignalLogItems = 397 GlobalIntegers = 482 TransformationEnableMode = 492 SoftwareEmergencyStopInput = 493 TransformationExecutionOrder = 551 end |
enum SystemStatusItem
enum SystemStatusItem
VirtualBinaryInput = 46 VirtualBinaryOutput = 47 VirtualRegisterInput = 48 VirtualRegisterOutput = 49 Timer = 51 TimerPerformance = 52 GlobalReal = 67 CommunicationRealTimeErrors = 81 LibraryCommand = 119 DataCollectionSampleTime = 120 DataCollectionSampleIndex = 129 ModbusClientConnected = 134 ModbusServerConnected = 135 ModbusClientError = 136 ModbusServerError = 137 StopWatchTimer = 157 ScopetrigId = 163 EstimatedProcessorUsage = 177 DataCollectionStatus = 188 SignalLogState = 198 SafeZoneViolationMask = 207 SafeZoneActiveMask = 229 ModbusClientInputWords = 240 ModbusClientOutputWords = 241 ModbusClientInputBits = 242 ModbusClientOutputBits = 243 ModbusClientOutputBitsStatus = 244 ModbusClientOutputWordsStatus = 245 ModbusServerInputWords = 246 ModbusServerOutputWords = 247 ModbusServerInputBits = 248 ModbusServerOutputBits = 249 SystemParameter = 265 ThermoCompSensorTemperature = 305 ThermoCompControllingTemperature = 306 ThermoCompCompensatingTemperature = 307 ThermoCompStatus = 308 GlobalInteger = 345 AliveAxesMask = 348 SignalLogPointsStored = 377 ControllerInitializationWarning = 379 StopWatchTimerMin = 416 StopWatchTimerMax = 417 StopWatchTimerAvg = 418 EthercatEnabled = 428 EthercatError = 429 EthercatTxPdo = 430 EthercatTxPdoSize = 431 EthercatRxPdo = 432 EthercatRxPdoSize = 433 EthercatState = 437 ModbusClientEnabled = 438 ModbusServerEnabled = 439 HyperWireExternalSynchronizationActive = 440 HyperWireExternalSynchronizationFrequency = 441 HyperWireExternalSynchronizationLagging = 442 HyperWireExternalSynchronizationAdjustmentNanoseconds = 443 CallbackSlotProcessingState = 453 ControllerAssertCount = 457 VirtualBinaryInputBit = 472 VirtualBinaryOutputBit = 473 EtherNetIpAdapterEnabled = 474 EtherNetIpAdapterConnected = 475 EtherNetIpAdapterError = 476 EtherNetIpAdapterInputIntegerSize = 477 EtherNetIpAdapterInputFloatSize = 478 EtherNetIpAdapterOutputIntegerSize = 479 EtherNetIpAdapterOutputFloatSize = 480 end |
enum TargetMode
enum TargetMode
Incremental = 0 Absolute = 1 end |
enum TaskDataSignal
enum TaskDataSignal
ProgramLineNumber = 17 CoordinatedFlags = 40 CoordinatedArcStartAngle = 53 CoordinatedArcEndAngle = 54 CoordinatedArcRadius = 55 CoordinatedArcRadiusError = 56 CoordinatedPositionCommand = 57 CoordinatedSpeedCommand = 58 CoordinatedAccelerationCommand = 59 CoordinatedTotalDistance = 60 CoordinatedPercentDone = 61 CoordinatedPositionCommandBackwardsDiff = 62 TaskParameter = 69 TaskError = 70 TaskWarning = 71 CoordinatedSpeedTargetActual = 86 DependentCoordinatedSpeedTargetActual = 87 TaskStatus0 = 90 TaskStatus1 = 91 TaskStatus2 = 92 SpindleSpeedTarget = 93 CoordinateSystem1I = 96 CoordinateSystem1J = 97 CoordinateSystem1K = 98 CoordinateSystem1Plane = 99 Mfo = 101 CoordinatedSpeedTarget = 102 DependentCoordinatedSpeedTarget = 103 CoordinatedAccelerationRate = 104 CoordinatedDecelerationRate = 105 CoordinatedAccelerationTime = 106 CoordinatedDecelerationTime = 107 TaskMode = 108 TaskState = 117 TaskStateInternal = 118 ExecutionMode = 121 EnableAlignmentAxes = 127 CoordinatedGalvoLaserOutput = 133 CoordinatedMotionRate = 145 CoordinatedTaskCommand = 146 EnableState = 166 LookaheadMovesExamined = 200 ProfileControlMask = 231 CoordinatedArcRadiusReciprocal = 253 MotionEngineStage = 254 CoordinatedTimeScale = 256 CoordinatedTimeScaleDerivative = 257 IfovSpeedScale = 266 IfovSpeedScaleAverage = 267 IfovGenerationFrameCounter = 268 IfovGenerationTimeOriginal = 269 IfovGenerationTimeModified = 270 IfovCoordinatedPositionCommand = 271 IfovCoordinatedSpeedCommand = 272 IfovCenterPointH = 276 IfovCenterPointV = 277 IfovTrajectoryCount = 278 IfovTrajectoryIndex = 279 IfovAttemptCode = 280 IfovGenerationFrameIndex = 281 IfovMaximumVelocity = 282 IfovIdealVelocity = 283 TaskInternalDebug = 284 IfovCoordinatedAccelerationCommand = 285 IfovFovPositionH = 286 IfovFovPositionV = 287 IfovFovDimensionH = 288 IfovFovDimensionV = 289 MotionBufferElements = 311 MotionBufferMoves = 312 MotionLineNumber = 313 MotionBufferRetraceMoves = 314 MotionBufferRetraceElements = 315 MotionBufferIndex = 316 MotionBufferIndexLookahead = 317 MotionBufferProcessingBlocked = 318 ActiveMoveValid = 319 TaskExecutionLines = 320 SchedulerTaskHolds = 321 SchedulerProgramLoopRuns = 322 SchedulerTaskBlocked = 323 CriticalSectionsActive = 324 AxesSlowdownReason = 331 TaskExecutionTime = 333 TaskExecutionTimeMaximum = 334 TaskExecutionLinesMaximum = 335 LookaheadDecelReason = 338 LookaheadDecelMoves = 339 LookaheadDecelDistance = 340 ProgramCounter = 341 StackPointer = 342 FramePointer = 343 StringStackPointer = 344 ProgramLineNumberSourceFileId = 349 MotionLineNumberSourceFileId = 350 ProgramLineNumberSourcePathId = 351 MotionLineNumberSourcePathId = 352 StringArgumentStackPointer = 354 CoordinatedAccelerationSCurvePercentage = 369 CoordinatedDecelerationSCurvePercentage = 370 DependentCoordinatedAccelerationRate = 373 DependentCoordinatedDecelerationRate = 374 CriticalSectionTimeout = 375 CommandQueueCapacity = 421 CommandQueueUnexecutedCount = 422 CommandQueueTimesEmptied = 423 CommandQueueExecutedCount = 424 CommandQueueLineNumber = 452 TaskReal = 469 TaskInteger = 470 end |
enum TaskMode
enum TaskMode
Secondary = 1 << 0 Absolute = 1 << 1 AccelTypeLinear = 1 << 2 AccelModeRate = 1 << 3 InverseDominance = 1 << 4 MotionContinuous = 1 << 5 SpindleStopOnProgramHalt = 1 << 7 OptionalPause = 1 << 9 AccelTypeSCurve = 1 << 10 MfoLock = 1 << 11 MsoLock = 1 << 12 DecelTypeLinear = 1 << 13 DecelTypeSCurve = 1 << 14 ProgramFeedrateInverseTime = 1 << 16 ProgramFeedrateUnitsPerSpindleRev = 1 << 17 DecelModeRate = 1 << 24 MfoActiveOnJog = 1 << 26 WaitForInPos = 1 << 27 Minutes = 1 << 28 WaitAuto = 1 << 30 end |
enum TaskParameter
enum TaskParameter
TaskName = 1 DefaultTaskWaitMode = 73 DefaultCoordinatedSCurvePercentage = 74 TaskErrorAbortAxes = 94 JoystickInput1MinVoltage = 102 JoystickInput1MaxVoltage = 103 JoystickInput1Deadband = 104 JoystickInput0MinVoltage = 105 JoystickInput0MaxVoltage = 106 JoystickInput0Deadband = 107 TaskTerminationAxes = 111 TaskStopAbortAxes = 112 DefaultCoordinatedSpeed = 114 DefaultCoordinatedRampRate = 115 DefaultDependentCoordinatedRampRate = 116 DefaultCoordinatedRampMode = 174 DefaultCoordinatedRampTime = 175 DefaultDependentCoordinatedSpeed = 219 DefaultCoordinatedAccelLimit = 220 DefaultDependentCoordinatedAccelLimit = 221 DefaultCoordinatedCircularAccelLimit = 222 CoordinatedAccelLimitSetup = 223 MaxLookaheadMoves = 224 RadiusCorrectionThreshold = 225 RadiusErrorThreshold = 226 CutterTolerance = 227 FeedholdInput = 228 FeedholdSetup = 229 MfoAnalogInput = 230 SpindleMsoInput = 231 SpindleAxis = 235 MotionUpdateRate = 245 ExecuteNumLines = 246 CoordinatedMoveDurationMinimum = 247 DefaultTaskMotionMode = 248 JoystickInput0 = 249 JoystickInput1 = 250 JoystickAxesSelect = 251 JoystickSpeedSelect = 252 JoystickInterlock = 253 JoystickInput2 = 254 MfoAnalogMinVoltage = 255 MfoAnalogMaxVoltage = 256 MfoMaximum = 257 JoystickInput2MinVoltage = 258 JoystickInput2MaxVoltage = 259 JoystickInput2Deadband = 260 MfoMinimum = 261 MfoAnalogStep = 262 DefaultTaskTargetMode = 267 DefaultCoordinatedRampType = 268 DefaultSpindleSpeed = 272 MotionInterpolationMode = 332 DefaultTaskTimeUnits = 349 MaxRetraceMoves = 411 ExecuteNumLinesAfterMove = 412 StringStackSize = 480 StackSize = 481 TaskReals = 548 TaskIntegers = 549 TaskStrings = 550 end |
enum TaskState
enum TaskState
Unavailable = 0 Inactive = 1 Idle = 2 ProgramReady = 3 ProgramRunning = 4 ProgramFeedhold = 5 ProgramPaused = 6 ProgramComplete = 7 Error = 8 QueueRunning = 9 QueuePaused = 10 end |
enum TaskStatus0
enum TaskStatus0
ProgramAssociated = 1 << 0 ImmediateExecuting = 1 << 3 ReturnMotionExecuting = 1 << 4 ProgramReset = 1 << 8 PendingAxesStop = 1 << 9 FeedholdActive = 1 << 11 CallbackHoldActive = 1 << 12 CallbackResponding = 1 << 13 SpindleActive = 1 << 14 Retrace = 1 << 19 InterruptMotionActive = 1 << 21 JoystickActive = 1 << 22 CornerRounding = 1 << 23 JoystickLowSpeedActive = 1 << 25 SynchronizedFunctionExecuting = 1 << 27 TaskControlRestricted = 1 << 29 end |
enum TaskStatus1
enum TaskStatus1
AsyncSmcMotionAbortPending = 1 << 1 RetraceRequested = 1 << 3 MsoChange = 1 << 4 SpindleFeedhold = 1 << 5 FeedholdAxesStopped = 1 << 6 CutterRadiusEnabling = 1 << 7 CutterRadiusDisabling = 1 << 8 CutterOffsetsEnablingPositive = 1 << 9 CutterOffsetsEnablingNegative = 1 << 10 CutterOffsetsDisabling = 1 << 11 OnErrorHandlerPending = 1 << 13 OnErrorHandlerExecuting = 1 << 14 ProgramStopPending = 1 << 16 SynchronizedFunctionPending = 1 << 17 NoMfoFloor = 1 << 18 Interrupted = 1 << 19 IfovBufferHold = 1 << 25 end |
enum TaskStatus2
enum TaskStatus2
ScalingActive = 1 << 3 ProfileActive = 1 << 5 MotionModeRapid = 1 << 6 MotionModeLinear = 1 << 7 MotionPvt = 1 << 8 MotionContinuousActive = 1 << 9 CutterOffsetsActivePositive = 1 << 12 CutterRadiusActiveLeft = 1 << 13 CutterRadiusActiveRight = 1 << 14 CutterOffsetsActiveNegative = 1 << 15 NormalcyActiveLeft = 1 << 16 NormalcyActiveRight = 1 << 17 NormalcyAlignment = 1 << 18 MotionModeCw = 1 << 19 MotionModeCcw = 1 << 20 LimitFeedrateActive = 1 << 21 LimitMfoActive = 1 << 22 Coord1Plane1 = 1 << 23 Coord1Plane2 = 1 << 24 Coord1Plane3 = 1 << 25 Coord2Plane1 = 1 << 26 Coord2Plane2 = 1 << 27 Coord2Plane3 = 1 << 28 end |
enum TaskStatusItem
enum TaskStatusItem
ProgramLineNumber = 17 CoordinatedFlags = 40 CoordinatedArcStartAngle = 53 CoordinatedArcEndAngle = 54 CoordinatedArcRadius = 55 CoordinatedArcRadiusError = 56 CoordinatedPositionCommand = 57 CoordinatedSpeedCommand = 58 CoordinatedAccelerationCommand = 59 CoordinatedTotalDistance = 60 CoordinatedPercentDone = 61 CoordinatedPositionCommandBackwardsDiff = 62 TaskParameter = 69 TaskError = 70 TaskWarning = 71 CoordinatedSpeedTargetActual = 86 DependentCoordinatedSpeedTargetActual = 87 TaskStatus0 = 90 TaskStatus1 = 91 TaskStatus2 = 92 SpindleSpeedTarget = 93 CoordinateSystem1I = 96 CoordinateSystem1J = 97 CoordinateSystem1K = 98 CoordinateSystem1Plane = 99 Mfo = 101 CoordinatedSpeedTarget = 102 DependentCoordinatedSpeedTarget = 103 CoordinatedAccelerationRate = 104 CoordinatedDecelerationRate = 105 CoordinatedAccelerationTime = 106 CoordinatedDecelerationTime = 107 TaskMode = 108 TaskState = 117 TaskStateInternal = 118 ExecutionMode = 121 EnableAlignmentAxes = 127 CoordinatedGalvoLaserOutput = 133 CoordinatedMotionRate = 145 CoordinatedTaskCommand = 146 EnableState = 166 LookaheadMovesExamined = 200 ProfileControlMask = 231 CoordinatedArcRadiusReciprocal = 253 MotionEngineStage = 254 CoordinatedTimeScale = 256 CoordinatedTimeScaleDerivative = 257 IfovSpeedScale = 266 IfovSpeedScaleAverage = 267 IfovGenerationFrameCounter = 268 IfovGenerationTimeOriginal = 269 IfovGenerationTimeModified = 270 IfovCoordinatedPositionCommand = 271 IfovCoordinatedSpeedCommand = 272 IfovCenterPointH = 276 IfovCenterPointV = 277 IfovTrajectoryCount = 278 IfovTrajectoryIndex = 279 IfovAttemptCode = 280 IfovGenerationFrameIndex = 281 IfovMaximumVelocity = 282 IfovIdealVelocity = 283 TaskInternalDebug = 284 IfovCoordinatedAccelerationCommand = 285 IfovFovPositionH = 286 IfovFovPositionV = 287 IfovFovDimensionH = 288 IfovFovDimensionV = 289 MotionBufferElements = 311 MotionBufferMoves = 312 MotionLineNumber = 313 MotionBufferRetraceMoves = 314 MotionBufferRetraceElements = 315 MotionBufferIndex = 316 MotionBufferIndexLookahead = 317 MotionBufferProcessingBlocked = 318 ActiveMoveValid = 319 TaskExecutionLines = 320 SchedulerTaskHolds = 321 SchedulerProgramLoopRuns = 322 SchedulerTaskBlocked = 323 CriticalSectionsActive = 324 AxesSlowdownReason = 331 TaskExecutionTime = 333 TaskExecutionTimeMaximum = 334 TaskExecutionLinesMaximum = 335 LookaheadDecelReason = 338 LookaheadDecelMoves = 339 LookaheadDecelDistance = 340 ProgramCounter = 341 StackPointer = 342 FramePointer = 343 StringStackPointer = 344 ProgramLineNumberSourceFileId = 349 MotionLineNumberSourceFileId = 350 ProgramLineNumberSourcePathId = 351 MotionLineNumberSourcePathId = 352 StringArgumentStackPointer = 354 CoordinatedAccelerationSCurvePercentage = 369 CoordinatedDecelerationSCurvePercentage = 370 DependentCoordinatedAccelerationRate = 373 DependentCoordinatedDecelerationRate = 374 CriticalSectionTimeout = 375 CommandQueueCapacity = 421 CommandQueueUnexecutedCount = 422 CommandQueueTimesEmptied = 423 CommandQueueExecutedCount = 424 CommandQueueLineNumber = 452 TaskReal = 469 TaskInteger = 470 end |
enum ThermoCompMode
enum ThermoCompMode
LinearStage = 0 BallScrewStage = 1 end |
enum TimerMode
enum TimerMode
Standard = 0 Precise = 1 end |
enum TimeUnits
enum TimeUnits
Seconds = 0 Minutes = 1 end |
enum TransformationEnableMode
enum TransformationEnableMode
ComputeAutomaticOffset = 0 UpdateProgramPosition = 1 end |
enum TransformationExecutionOrder
enum TransformationExecutionOrder
MatrixCIfov = 0 MatrixIfovC = 1 end |
enum TuningDisturbanceType
enum TuningDisturbanceType
Sinusoid = 1 WhiteNoise = 2 DriveArray = 5 MultisinePlus = 6 end |
enum TuningMeasurementType
enum TuningMeasurementType
ServoOpenLoop = 0 CurrentOpenLoop = 2 AutoFocusOpenLoop = 3 end |
enum WaitMode
enum WaitMode
MotionDone = 1 InPosition = 2 Auto = 3 end |