Stepper Overview

A stepper motor can be an open or closed loop system. When it's a closed loop system, configure the servo loop as a single feedback PI controller.

To configure the servo loop, use Machine Setup and adjust the servo gains that follow: 

  • ServoLoopGainKpv =
  • ServoLoopGainKiv =
  • ServoLoopGainKip2 =
  • ServoLoopGainKv =
  • ServoLoopGainKip =
  • ServoLoopGainK =
  • ServoLoopGainNormalizationFactor =

Servo Loop Tuning

You can use the Frequency Response module in the Configure workspace to tune the servo loop and to select a crossover frequency. To select a crossover frequency, run a number of frequency responses and use the highest stable frequency. If the crossover frequency is too high, the motor could stall.