Machine Controller Definition Files

Machine Controller Definition (MCD) files are files that define an Automation1 controller. These files can include all of the parameters, configuration, and files that define your motion control system. MCD files make it easy for you to backup your controller configuration, test parameter changes, or replicate a machine.

How to Create MCD Files

You can create an MCD file from an existing Automation1 controller, or you can create an MCD file as a new configuration. See the Download MCD Files section for more information about how to create an MCD from an existing controller.

To Create an MCD File

  1. Open Automation1 Studio.

  2. Disconnect from the connected controller if necessary. To do this, open the application sidebar on the right and go to the Controller tab.

    1. Click the Disconnect button. This will take you to the opening screen.

  3. Select the Work Without a Controller tab.

  4. Click the Create New MCD button.

  5. Choose a file location and file name, and then click the Save button.

  6. Select a controller type for the MCD file.

    1. There are different options and configurations for PC-based and drive-based controllers.

Modify MCD Files

Open an existing MCD file in Automation1 Studio to edit parameters, configurations, and files that are part of the MCD. See the Automation1 Studio section of the Automation1 Studio page for more information about how to change MCDs with this method.

Download MCD Files

You can download an MCD from an existing controller. The downloaded MCD includes the same configuration data as the existing controller. You can use this downloaded MCD as full backup for your controller. Or, you can select some of the configuration items from your controller to create an MCD that only includes the configuration items that you want.

To Download an MCD File

  1. In Automation1 Studio, go to the Configure workspace.

  2. In the Controller section, select Administration.

  3. In the Configuration module, click the Download MCD button.

  4. Select the configuration items that you want to be included in the MCD by checking or unchecking the corresponding checkboxes.

  5. Click the Choose Location button to select the file location that you want to download the MCD to.

  6. Click the Save button.

  7. You will get a notification that shows that the MCD was downloaded.

Upload MCD Files

You can upload an MCD to an existing controller and apply the configurations in the MCD to the controller. Configurations that are applied will overwrite the previous configuration. You cannot recover the previous configuration, so make sure that you backup configurations that you want to keep by downloading the MCD. Refer to the Download MCD Files section. When you upload MCDs to the controller, you can select the configuration items that you want to apply. This is the same as when you download an MCD.

The Upload MCD dialog is a multi-step process. You can move forward and backward through the steps by clicking the Next or Back buttons. You can cancel the upload by clicking the Cancel button.

To Upload an MCD File

  1. In Automation1 Studio, go to the Configure workspace.
  2. In the Controller section, select Administration.
  3. In the Configuration module click the Upload MCD button.
  4. Click the Select File button to select the MCD file that you want to upload.
  5. Click Next at the bottom right of the dialog to go to the MCD Configuration step.
  6. Select Upload for configuration items that you want to upload from the MCD to the existing controller.
  7. Select Skip for configuration items that you do not want to upload from the MCD to the existing controller. On the next step you will have the option to keep or delete the current configuration if it exists.
  8. Click Next to continue to Existing Configuration.
  9. Select Retain for configuration items that you want to keep on the existing controller.
  10. Select Delete for configuration items that you want to remove from the existing controller. These configuration items are not recoverable once they are deleted.
  11. Click Next to continue to the Controller Files step.
  12. If there are files on the controller, select Retain to keep them or Delete to remove them.
  13. If there are files that are part of the MCD, select Upload to upload these files to the controller or Skip to ignore these files.
    1. If you choose to upload files, existing files with the same names will be overwritten. Overwritten files cannot be recovered.
  14. Click Next to continue to the MachineApps step.
    1. This step is available only if MachineApps configuration is on the controller or is part of the MCD.
  15. If MachineApps branding is part of the MCD, select Upload to upload this configuration to the controller or Skip to ignore this configuration.
  16. If MachineApps branding is on the controller and branding is not part of the MCD or you chose the Skip option, select Retain to keep the existing branding or Delete to remove it.
  17. If there are MachineApps that are part of the MCD, select Upload to upload these apps to the controller or Skip to ignore these apps.
    1. A warning is shown if any apps on the controller will be overwritten. Overwritten apps cannot be recovered.
  18. If there are MachineApps on the controller, select Retain to keep them or Delete to remove them.

  19. Click Next to continue to the Summary step.
  20. Review the summary of what the controller configuration will be after the upload. Configuration data that are blue and italicized are current controller configurations that will change when you complete the upload.
  21. Click the Finish button to upload the specified configuration from the MCD.

Restore Default Configuration

You can always restore the default configuration to an MCD or a controller if you need to start again. This action can apply to individual types of configuration or to all configurations. This action cannot be reversed.

To Restore Default Configuration

  1. In Automation1 Studio, go to the Configure workspace.
  2. In the Controller section, select Administration.
  3. In the Configuration module, click the Restore Default Configuration button.
  4. Select the configuration items that you want to restore to default by checking or unchecking the corresponding checkboxes.
  5. IMPORTANT: If you restore your parameters to the default configuration but you keep your Machine Setup configuration, then your Machine Setup configuration, including all electrical devices, mechanical devices, and interconnectivity settings will be saved as pending changes. Go to Machine Setup to recalculate parameters based on that pending configuration.

  6. Click the Restore Defaults button to delete the selected configurations.
  7. If the controller is running, it will be reset and the default configurations will be applied.

MCD Tips and Tricks