Controller File System

The Automation1 controller has a file system that stores AeroScript source files, compiled AeroScript binaries, collected plots, and other files you might need in your process. Storing programs and other data on the controller ensures that the controller’s behavior remains consistent regardless of the configuration of the connected MDK machine.

Controller file paths are case-insensitive. A file “MyProgram.ascript” can be opened and written to using the name “myprogram.ascript”, because both paths refer to the same file.

The controller supports the use of directories to allow files to be organized and grouped. These directories can be nested as many times as is needed.

Controller file paths use the forward-slash character (‘/’) to separate directories. Absolute file system paths must start with a forward slash character ('/'). Relative file system paths do not start with a forward slash character ('/'). These paths are relative to the program that is currently executing on the task.

Get Access to the Controller File System

The Automation1 MDK software supplies many methods to interact with controller files.

Automation1 Studio: Controller Files Module

The primary method of access is to use the Automation1 Studio’s Controller Files module under the Configure workspace.

From this module, you can navigate files and directories, create directories, copy files, delete files, open source and plot files, upload files from your local file system to the controller, and download controller files to your local file system. This functionality can be accessed from the right click menu or from the icons above the main file listing.

Automation1 .NET API

The Automation1 .NET API provides the ability to list, read, write, create, and delete controller files through the Controller.Files properties and functions. Refer to About the .NET API.

AeroScript File and Directory Functions

The Automation1 controller allows interaction with files and directories from the context of an AeroScript program. Refer to File and Directory Functions for details on these AeroScript functions.